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Forces, Faculties, Controlling Powers


Book of the Ones

Samyutta Nikaya, V: Mahavagga: Indriyasamyutta
PTS: Kindred Sayings V: The Great Chapter: Kindred Sayings on the Faculties
WP: The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: The Great Book: Connected Discourses on the Faculties

DhammaTalk: The Seven Types of Individuals

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Indriy¤ni forces controlling faculties faculty faculty faculties, controlling powers faculties faculties
Cakkhundriyaµ eye eye eye
sotindriyaµ ear ear ear
gh¤nindriyaµ nose nose nose
jivahindriyaµ tongue tongue tongue
k¤yindriyaµ body body body
Sukhindriyaµ pleasure pleasure pleasant [bodily] feeling
dukkhindriyaµ pain pain pain
somanassindriyaµ mental ease joy gladness
demanassindriyaµ mental pain grief sadness
upekkhindriyaµ detachment equanimity, poise equanimity introspection equanimity equanimity indifference, equanimity equanimity indifferent feeling, equanimity equanimity
Saddhindriyaµ faith faith faith faith faith faith conviction faith
viriyindriyaµ energy energy energy practice energy energy energy energy, effort persistence energy energy
satindriyaµ mind mindfulness, conscience mindfulness attentiveness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness
sam¤dhindriyaµ getting high concentration concentration Equilibrium, Mental Repose concentration concentration concentration concentration concentration concentration concentration
pa¾¾indiyaµ insight, wisdom insight wisdom understanding, penetrative awareness, the primal knowledge wisdom wisdom insight discernment wisdom
ana¾¾¤taµ-¾ass¤mØtindriyaµ knowing the unknown coming to know the unknown knowing that one will know the unknown
a¾¾indriyaµ omnicience knowing highest knowledge
a¾¾¤t¤vindriyaµ attaining omnicience perfected knowledge the faculties of the one who knows


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Indriya: Vedic indriya adj. only in meaning "belonging to Indra"; nt. strength, might, but in specific Pali sense "belonging to the ruler", i.e. governing, ruling, nt. governing, ruling or controlling principle. A. on term: Indriya is one of the most comprehensive and important categories of Buddhist psychological philosophy and ethics, meaning "controlling principle, directive force, elan...(a) with reference to sense-perceptibility "faculty, function", often wrongly interpreted as "organ"; (b) w. ref. to objective aspects of form and matter "kind, characteristic, determinating principle, sign, mark" (cp. woman-hood, hood, kind, form); (c) w.ref. to moods of sensation and (d) to moral powers or motives controlling action, "principle, controlling" force; (e) w. ref. to cognition and insight "category" -gutta: one who restrains and watches his senses.


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Indriya"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Indriya"



See: SN.V. Indriyasamyutta PTS: The Method, V.179; WP: The Faculty of Final Knowledge, II.1677; and The Powers of the Aristocrats) Attributes of Indra; Indra-like. Of or flowing from Indra. The usual "faculties," needs "...of Indra" or something that indicates that these are extra-ordinary, or god-like faculties (or, more accurately, faculties seen as godlike or wondrous). Woodward uses "controlling powers, faculties, and controlling faculties." The various Indrianis are all forms of power or attributes that are found under other categories. However when in the Pali they are found under this heading they have a much more magical, super-normal connotation. Since the idea of Indra (a god of War and Wrath, much like, if not the same as Zeus and Jupiter) was largely replaced in the Buddhist culture by the idea of Sakka (a god of good deeds, respect for the elders, and a Streamwinner), I suspect that what we have in these "faculties" is a carry-over of an old set of power categories with the terms being redefined in the Buddhist sense possibly to make the transition more comprehensiable for those of the older beliefs. In the Samyutta version of these three, the heading is ¾¤ya, or "method" or "knack,"


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Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:09 AM

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