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Unusual terms used on BuddhaDust

Table of Contents

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ Y ]


-----[ A ]-----

Akimbo: OED: Forms: 5 in kenebowe, 7 on kenbow, a kenbow, a kenbol, a kenbold, on kimbow, (a-gambo), 7–8 a-kemboll, 8–9 a kembo, a kimbo, 8– a-kimbo, akimbo. [...Icel. keng-boginn, -it, ‘crooked’..., lit. ‘bent staple-wise, or in a horse-shoe curve’; other suggestions are a cambok in the manner of a crooked stick (ME. cambok, med.L. cambGca, see cammock); a cam bow in a crooked bow. None of these satisfies all conditions.
The difficulty as to a-cambok, a cam bow, is that no forms of the word show cam-, from which the earliest are the most remote. The Icel. keng-boginn comes nearer the form, but there is no evidence that it had the special sense of a-kimbo, and none that the latter ever had the general sense of ‘crooked.’]
Of the arms: In a position in which the hands rest on the hips and the elbows are turned outwards. Now usu. hyphenless.

Attained to View, The [get]


-----[ B ]-----

Ball-peen hammer: A hammer used primarily in metalwork with a rounded "peen" or head.

Body Seer [get]

Body-Witness, The [get]


-----[ C ]-----


-----[ D ]-----

Desideratum [get]

Dhamma-Follower, The [get]

Dhammanusari (dhamm¤nus¤r¨, dhammaanusaarii) [get]

Ditthippatto (diÂÂhippatto, di.t.thippatto) [get]


-----[ E ]-----

Endogamous/Exogamous [get]


-----[ F ]-----

Faith-Follower, The [get]

Freed Both Ways [get]

Freed by Faith, The [get]

Freed by Intuitive Wisdom [get]


-----[ G ]-----


-----[ H ]-----


-----[ I ]-----

It'n-n-at'n, (Itthatta; 'as thus-and-such'; 'of this world') [get]

Itthatta, (It'n-n-at'n; 'as thus-and-such'; 'of this world')[get]


-----[ J ]-----


-----[ K ]-----

Kamma: The Buddha defines "kamma" at one point as "intent". "Intention, I tell you, is kamma. Intending, one does kamma by way of body, speech, & intellect." (Bhk. Thanissaro trans -- AN VI.63
Elsewhere we see the meaning to include both the intent and the experience of the consequences of the act "Kamma is one's own, Kamma is the womb, beings are the inheritors of their kamma"; and, "Kamma determines one's well-fare and tribulation, one's experiences of pain and pleasure, good looks or lack of such, wealth and poverty, health and illness" (not precise quotes). The idea is that it is the intent with which one acts with body, speech and mind that determines the pleasant or unpleasant or neutral experience of the consequence. It is also part of the understanding of kamma that the consequences do not necessarily return in the same shape or quantity as the original, but are magnified significantly depending on the power of the actor, the action itself, and the recipient of the action.
Closely related to this idea is the idea of Sankhara, and it appears that it may be that these two ideas have come down to us blended together. The only perceptable difference to my eye is that there is a much more personal overtone to the idea of Sankhara: not only intent is involved, but it is identification with intent that brings about identification with the consequences.
See: Where is memory stored? and
On Giving and
Kamma and
Thinking in Ethical Terms

Kayasakkhi (k¤yasakkh¨, kaayasakkhii) [get]


-----[ L ]-----

Liberated by Faith, The [get]

Liberated at Heart [get]

Liberated by Wisdom [get]

Liberated-in-Both-Ways get]


-----[ M ]-----

Mental Realizer, The [get]

Mula: Root. Subsistance. Foot. Pay. Money. For more see [ The Etimulalogi of Mula ]

-----[ N ]-----

Nahuta: [get]

Namuci: A name for Mara, The Evil One. "Not Very Much." (Never enough).


-----[ O ]-----

Onomatopoea: OED: [a. L. onomatopœia, a. Gr. Àmolasopoi¬a the making of words, f. Àmolasopoi¾| making or coining a name, f. onomato + -poio| making.]

1. The formation of a name or word by an imitation of the sound associated with the thing or action designated; this principle as a force in the formation of words in a language; echoism.


-----[ P ]-----

Panna-vimutto (pa¾¾¤vimutto, pa~n~naa-vimutto) Freed by wisdom [get]


-----[ R ]-----


-----[ S ]-----

Saddha-vimutto (saddh¤vimutto, saddhaa-vimutto) [get]

Saddhanusari (saddh¤nus¤r¨, Saddhaanusaarii) [get]

Satisfaction [get]

Shpiel [get]

Steer: To guide or govern (correct, punish). OED has this from stéore; rudder and also points to Old Norse st.yri, rudder, stern; Old High German stiura, stern, rudder, staff.

Striver After Dhamma, The [get]

Striver after Faith, The [get]


-----[ T ]-----

Two-Ways-Freed [get]

Trencher: A large wooden plate or platter. Wooden "bowls" are not allowed to be used by the Bhikkhus.


-----[ U ]-----

Ubhatobhaga-vimutto (ubhatobh¤gavimutto, ubhatobhaaga-vimutto) [get]


-----[ V ]-----

View-Attainer [get]


-----[ W ]-----

Wisdom-Freed [get]

Won to View, The [get]


-----[ Y ]-----

Yoga [Get]



M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Friday, April 04, 2003

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