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The Three, Five, Ten Fetters; Yokes to Rebirth


ATI: Fetters

Puremind Press, Venerable Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, pp 8-72

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings: The Book of the Tens: II:ii:13: Fetters

Appendixes: The 10 Fundamantal Attachments
Discussion at: DhammaTalk: The Five Fetters to the Lower Rebirths

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Sa¸yoj¤na attachments, yokes to rebirth Fetters Fetters Entanglements Fetters Fetters fetters fetters Fetters fetters Fetters
Sakk¤yaditthi One-truth-view References Rhys Davids Own-Body Personality perspective, self concept personality view personality view delusion of self, error of permanant individual entity error of permanant individual entity self-identity views personality-belief The view of the individual-group
Vicikiccha doubt, vacillation References Rhys Davids doubt, perplexity Vacillation doubt doubt doubt doubt Uncertainty sceptical doubt doubt and wavering
S¨labbata-par¤m¤so attachment to trust in good works, ethics and rituals References Rhys Davids clinging to rites and customs alientation of morals adherence to rules and observances adherence to rules and observances Reliance on the efficacy of rites and ceremonies, wrong judgment as to rules and ritual wrong judgment as to rules and ritual grasping at precepts and practices attachment to rite and ritual wrong handling of habit-and-ritual
K¤macchanda wanting, pleasure-wishing References Rhys Davids desire for sense pleasures Sensual desire, sensual lust sensual lust, covetousness sensual lust, covetousness bodily lusts or passions, sensuality sensuality Sensual Desire sensuality sensual desire, hankering
Vy¤p¤do anger, hate References Rhys Davids malevolance, ill-will Hate ill will ill will ill-will ill-will ill-will, malevolance ill-will malevolence, ill-will
R¬par¤go Lust for material things References Rhys Davids Lust for corporeality form, materiality/lust form, materiality/lust lust after rebirth in Rupa (worlds) lust after rebirth in Rupa (worlds) passion for form craving for the world of form Lust of objective form
Ar¬par¤go lust for immaterial things References Rhys Davids Lust for in-corporeality immateriality, immaterial realm/lust immateriality, immaterial realm/lust lust after rebirth in Arupa (worlds) lust after rebirth in Arupa (worlds) passion for what is formless craving for the formless world lust of the formless
M¤na pride References Rhys Davids identity, self esteem (positive or negative) conceit conceit pride, conceit conceit conceit conceit conceit
Uddhaccan trembling References Rhys Davids restlessness Anxiety restlessness restlessness Self-righteousness, excitement excitement Restlessness restlessness, worry distraction excitement, Restlessness
Avijj¤ blindness References Rhys Davids ignorance unconsciousness ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance ignorance


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Sa¸yoga: [fr. sa¸+yuj] 1. bond, fetter M I.498; S I.226; III.70; IV.36; A IV.280...-- 2. union, association... --3. connection (within the sentence), construction (accanta-)...
Sa¸yojana[fr. sa¸yu¾jati] bond, fetter S IV.163 etc.; especially the fetters that bind man to the wheel of transmigration Vin I.183; S I.23; V.241, 251; A I.264; III.443; IV.7 sq. (diÂÂhi-); M I.483; J I.275;. The ten fetters are (1) sakk¤yadiÂÂhi; (2) vicikicch¤; (3) s¨labbatapar¤m¤so; (4) k¤macchando; (5) vy¤p¤do; (6) r¬par¤go; (7) ar¬par¤go; (8) m¤no; (9) uddhaccaµ; (10) avijj¤. The first three are the t¨¼i sa¸yojan¤ni e. g. M I.9; A I.231, 233; D I.156; II.92 sq., 252; III.107, 132, 216; S V.357, 376, 406. The seven last are the satta sa¸yojan¤ni. The first five are called orambh¤giy¤ni e. g. A I.232 sq.; II.5, 133; V.17; D I.156; II.92, 252; M I.432; S V.61, 69. The last five are called uddhambh¤giy¤ni e. g. A V.17; S V.61, 69. A diff. enumn of seven sa¸yojanas at D III.254 and A IV.7, viz. anunaya-, paÂigha-, diÂÂhi-, vicikicch¤-, m¤na-, bhavar¤ga-, avijj¤-. A list of eight is found at M I.361 sq. Cp. also ajjhatta-sa¸yojano and bahiddh¤sa¸yojano puggalo A I.63 sq.; kiµ-su-s- S I.39.

PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Sanyojana"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Sanyojana"

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