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Mulapariyaya Resources section of BuddhaDust
PTS: Middle Length Sayings I, #1: Discourse on the Synopsis of Fundamentals, Horner, trans., pp 3.
WP: Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: The Root of All Things, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp 83 Examining the Mulapariyaya -- Analysis

The Root Sequence, Bhikkhu Thanissaro, translation of the Mulapariyaya

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Bh¬ta beings beings beings beings


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

bh¬ta: [pp of bhavati...] grown, become; born, produced; nature as the result of becoming. -- The (exegetical) definition by Bdhgh of the word bh¬ta is interesting. He...distingishes the foll. 7 meanings of the term: (1) animate Nature as principle, or the vital aggregates (the 5 Khandhas)...(2) ghosts (amanuss¤)...(3) inanimate Nature as principle, or the Elements (the 4 dh¤tus)...(4) all that exists, physical existence in general (vijjam¤na¸)...(5) what we should call a simple predicative use, is exemplified by a typical dogmatic example. viz. "k¤laghaso bh¬to," where bh¬ta is given as meaning kh¨n¤sava (Arahant)...(6) all beings or specified existence, animal kingdom (satt¤) D II.157; (7) the vegetable kingdom, plants, vegetation (rukkh'¤dayo) Vin Iv34 (as bh¬ta-g¤ma).
-- Meanings: 1. bh¬t¤ and bh¬t¤ni (pl) beings, living beings, animate Nature...moveable and immovable S. II.47 mind and body as come-to-be; M I.2; The pl. nt. bh¬t¤ni is used as pl. to meaning 2; viz. inanimate Nature, elements, usually enumerated under term mah¤-bh¬t¤ni; 2. (nt.) nature, creation, world M 1.2 (bh¬te bh¬tato as¾j¤n¤ti; recognises the beings from nature, i.e. from the fact of being nature); 3. (nt. adj.) that which is, i.e. natural, genuine, true; nt. truth; neg. abh¬ta falsehood, lie; 4. a supernatural being, ghost, demon, Yakkha; pl. bh¬t¤ guardian genii (of a city) J. IV.245; 5. pp. in predicative use (cp. on this meaning Bdhgh's meaning No. 5 above) (a) what has been or happened; viz. m¤tu-bh¬ta¸ having been his mother...abh¬tapubba bh¬ta¸ what has never happened before happened (now); (b) having become such and such, being like, acting as, being quasi (as it' were), consisting of...
Bh¬: being, creature, living being
Bh¬2 [fr. bh¬, otherwise bh¬mi] the earth


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Bhuta"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Bhuta"


Organic. Having life as a property. Butane.

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Note: the search term "Beings" produces both on BuddhaDust and on Access to Insight a huge number of references that do not relate to the term 'bhuta'. Probably most of these should be uderstood to translate back into Pali as the term 'satta'. Since 'beings' is the preferred translation of 'bhuta' of all those translators of the Mulapariyaya it was still felt to be necessary to include a search on this term. Happy sifting!

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Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:39 AM

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