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BuddhaDust:Part IV The 10th Question, Part 1 The Powers

Warren: Buddhism in Translations: § 69. World-Cycles § 65. The Six High Powers

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Chanda Intent, Wishing, Wanting desire-to-do intention, desire desire desire, zeal zeal, desire Desire Desire Intention desire


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Chanda: [cp. Vedic and Sk. chanda, and skandh to jump]. 1. impulse, excitement; intention, resolution, will; desire for, wish for, delight in... -- A. As virtue: ... striving after righteousness...- ardent desire, zeal... -- B. As vice: Its nearest analogue in this sense is r¤ga (lust), e. g. ch. r¤ga dosa paÂigha D I.25... In this bad sense it is nearly the same as k¤ma...; k¤machanda: sensual desire...K¤ye chanda "delight in the body" M I.500...bhave ch. (pleasure in existence)...; lokasmiµ ch. (hankering after the world)...; methunasmiµ (sexual desire)...- Ch. in this quality is one of the roots of misery... -- (b) the emancipation from ch. as necessary for the attainment of Arahantship. -- vigata- (free from excitement) and a- S I.111; III.7, 107, 190; IV.387; A II.173 sq.; D III.238;... 2. (in the monastic law) consent, declaration of consent (to an official act: kamma) by an absentee Vin I.121, 122....
-sam¤dhi the (right) concentration of good effort, classed under the 4 iddhip¤d¤ with viriya-; citta- v¨maµs¤- D III.77; S V.268; A I.39...;

PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Chanda"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Chanda"

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