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Mulapariyaya Resources section of BuddhaDust
PTS: Middle Length Sayings I, #1: Discourse on the Synopsis of Fundamentals, Horner, trans., pp 3.
WP: Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: The Root of All Things, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp 83 Examining the Mulapariyaya -- Analysis

The Root Sequence, Bhikkhu Thanissaro, translation of the Mulapariyaya

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
devas gods devas gods devas gods


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Deva: [Vedic deva. Indogermanic dej¤ to shine...orig. adj. *dei¬os belonging to the sky, cp. AV da¦vª (demon), Latin deus, Lith. d¦vas; Old High German Zio; AngloSaxon T¨g, gen. T¨wes (=Tuesday); Old Irish. dia (god).] The popular etymology refers it to the root div in the sense of playing, sporting or amusing oneself...a god, a divine being; usually in pl. dev¤ the gods. As title attributed to any superhuman being or beings regarded to be in certain respects above the human level. Thus primarily ...used of the first of the next-world devas, Sakka, then also of subordinate deities, demons and spirits (deva¾¾atar¤ some kind of deity; snake-demons; n¤gas, tree-gods; rukkha-devat¤, etc.) Also title of the king. Always implying splendour...and mobility, beauty goodness and light, and as such opposed to the dark powers of mischief and destruction (asur¤, Titans; pet¤: miserable ghosts; nerayik¤ satta: beings in Niraya). A double position (dark and light) is occupied by Yama, the god of the Dead...Always implying also a kinship and continuity of life with humanity and other beings; all devas have been man and may again become men (cp. D I.17; S III. 85), hence "gods" is not a coincident term. All devas are themselves in sa¸s¤ra, needing salvation. Many are found worshipping saints...The collective appellations differ; there are various groups of divine beings, which in their totality ...include some or most of the well-known Vedic deities...Lists of popular gods are to be found, e.g. at D II.253; III.194
1. good etc...a god a diety or divine being (M I.71)
2. the sky, but only in its rainy aspect, i.e. rain-cloud, rainy sky, rain-god
3. king
Dibba: [Latin: d¨us=divine. of the next world, diviine, heavenly, celestial, superb, magnificent, fit for exalted beings higher than man...superhuman..
diva: [Sk. diva (nt.), weak base di¬ (div) of strong form d¨¦... to *de¨e¬o to shine; cp. Sk dyo heaven, div¤ adv. by day; Lat. biduum (bi-divom) two days](a) heaven (b) day


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Deva"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Deva"


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