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Sangiti Suttanta in Pali

PTS: Dialogs of the Buddha III, #33: The Recital, T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., pp201

WP: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33: The Chanting Together, M. Walshe, trans., pp479

PTS: The Middle Length Sayings, I: 33: Applications of Mindfulness, horner, trans., pp77

PTS: Woodward, The Book of the Gradual Sayings, V: The Book of the Tens, VII, pp144

The Pali Line: High Getting High
and The Great Master's Satisfaction Pastures

ATI: The Five Mental Hindrances and their Conquest

ATI: Frames of Reference

Bhante Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, Puremind Press, pp 7-9

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward Nyanaponika Thera
K¤macchanda wanting, pleasure-wishing desire for sense pleasures Sensual desire covetousness covetousness sensuality sensuality Sensual Desire sensuality hankering Sensual Desire


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Not discussed separately: See K¤ma and Chanda: K¤ma-chanda: excitement of sensual pleasure, grouped as the first of the series of five obstacles (pa¾ca n¨vara¼¤ni) D I.156, 246; III.234, 278; A I.231; IV.457; A I.134...; S I.99; V.64;... Also as the first in the series of ten fetters (sa¸yojan¤ni)...as synonyms of k¤ma...
--j¤la the net of desires...
Chanda-r¤ga exciting desire. In this bad sense it is nearly the same as k¤ma...; Mrs. Rh. D. in Dhs trsl. 292) & "the combn k¤machanda is only an enlarged term of k¤ma".

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