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Puremind Press: Awakening Meditation, M. Punnaji, pp.7-16

Digha Nikaya #33, pp212

PTS, T.W and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., Dialogs of the Buddha III #33 pp 205

WP, Walshe, trans, The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33, pp481

Digha Nikaya #33: Sangiti Suttanta 2s#1

Digha Nikaya #33: The Compilation, MO, trans. 2s#1

Glossology: Paticca-Samuppada N¤ma¾ R¬pa¾

Downboudn Confounded Rebounding Conjuration (The Paticca-Samuppada)

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
n¤ma The "nomenon" part of Phenomenon (face-name), Mind, Mentality, the mental Name name; the "psycho" part of psycho-physicality Identity mentality Mind; Name Mind; Name name Mind



Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

N¤ma: (nt.) [Vedic n¤man, Lat. nomen; Goth. namo; Ags. noma, Ohg. namo] name. - 1. Literal. nom. n¤maµ S I.39. - n¤maµ karoti to give a name. - n¤maµ ga¼h¤ti to call by name, to enumerate. Definitions at Vin IV.6 (two kinds Q hØna- and ukkatĀha-) and at Vism 528 (=namanalakkha¼a). - 2. Specified. n¤ma as metaphysical term is opposed to r¬pa, and comprises the 4 immaterial factors of an individual (ar¬pino khandh¤, viz. vedan¤ sa¾¾¤ sankh¤ra vi¾¾¤¼a. These as the noėtic principle combd with the material principle make up the individual as it is distinguished by "name and body" from other individuals. Thus n¤mar¬pa= individuality, individual being. N¤ma+r¬pa form an elementary pair D III.212. Also in the PaĀicca-samupp¤da (q. v.), where it is said to be caused (conditioned) by vi¾¾¤¼a and to cause sa²¤yatana (the 6 senses), D II.34; Vin I.1 sq.; S II.6 sq.. Synonymous with n¤mar¬pa is n¤mak¤ya: Sn 1074.- 3. Use of Cases. Instr. n¤mena by name. - acc. n¤ma by name S I.33, 235 (Anoma-) (ko n¤m' esa "who by name is this one"=what is his name). - 4. n¤ma (acc.) as adv. is used as emphatic particle=just, indeed, for sure, certainly. Therefore freq. in exclamation and exhortation ("please," certainly); in combn with interr. pron.=now, then; with neg.=not at all, certainly not. - Often further emphasised or emphasising other part.; e. g. pi (=api) n¤ma really, just so; app' (=api) eva n. thus indeed, forsooth (mo: What in the name of...!); eva n¤ma in truth; n¤ma t¤va certainly, etc.


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Nama"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Nama"

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