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The Seventh Lesson

PTS: Majjhima Nikaya III: #118 (Middle Length Sayings III #118: Mindfulness When Breathing, Horner trans., pp127)

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #118: Mindfulness of Breathing., Nanamoli/Bodhi, trans., pp946

PTS, Dialogues of the Buddha II: #22: Mahasatipatthana Sutta -- Setting-Up of Mindfulness, Rhys Davids, trans, pp336

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings II: The Book of the Fours, II: Deportment iv: Restraint, Woodward, trans, pp16

Wings to Awakening

Puremind Publishers, Bhante Madawela Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, pp4-7

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Passaddhi Impassivity, Poise Serenity, Satisfaction tranquillity Relaxation tranquillity tranquillity serenity serenity Serenity tranquillity tranquillity




Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Passaddhi: [fr. pa+.srambh] calmness, tranquillity, repose, serenity M III.86; S II.30; IV.78; V.66; A IV.455 sq.;.... Often combd with pĪmujja & pĻti, e. g. D I.72, 73, 196;.... Six passaddhis at S IV.217 (with ref. to vĪcĪ, vitakka-vicĪrĪ, pĻti, assĪsa-passĪsĪ, saūūĪ-vedanĪ, rĪga-dosa-moha, through the 4 jhĪnas etc.). Passaddhi is one of the 7 sambojjhangas (constituents of enlightenment): see this & cp. M III.86; Vism 130...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "passaddhi"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "passaddhi"

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Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:15 AM

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