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BuddhaDust Satipatthana Resources Section

PTS: Dialogs of the BuddhaThe Setting Up of Mindfulness

Rhys Davids Introduction to their translation of the Satipatthana Sutta, and the translation itself

Wisdom Publicatiions, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, #10: The Foundations of Mindfulness, pp 145

Wisdom Publications, The Long Discourses of the Buddha, Maurice Walshe, #22: The Greater Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness, pp335

Pali Text Society, Middle Length Sayings I, #10: Discourse on the Applications of Mindfulness, Horner, pp70

PTS: Dialogs of the Buddha III, #33: The Recital, T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., pp201

WP: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33: The Chanting Together, M. Walshe, trans., pp479

Soma Thera, ATI: The Discourse on the Arousing of Mindfulness

ATI: Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Frames of Reference

PTS: The Middle Length Sayings, I, #10: Applications of Mindfulness, Horner, trans., pp78

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #10: The Foundations of Mindfulness, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp152

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, V: The Book of the Tens, The Great Chapter, The Great Questions, Woodward, trans., pp36ff

ATI: Contemplation of Feeling,The Discourse-Grouping on the Feelings, Nyanaponika Thera

PTS: The Book of the Kindred Sayings, V: Kindred Sayings on the Way: ix: Feeling, Woodward, trans., pp19

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward Soma Thera Nyanaponika Thera
Sukha vedan¤ pleasant feeling of ease pleasurable feeling pleasant sensation pleasant feeling pleasant feeling ease, pleasant feeling pleasant feeling good moods, ease, well-being pleasant feeling pleasant feeling pleasant feeling pleasant


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Sukha: (adj.-n.) agreeable, pleasant, blest Vin I.3...; paÂipad¤, pleasant path, easy progress A II.149 sq....; kaĵĵa-s. pleasant to the ear D I.4; happy, pleased D II.233. - nt. sukhaµ wellbeing, happiness, ease; ideal, success Vin I.294; D I.73 sq.; M I.37; S I.5; A III.355 (deva-manuss¤naµ)...(lokiya- worldly happiness). - k¤yika sukkha bodily welfare...; s¤misa¸ s. material happiness A I.81; III.412.... On relation to p¨ti (joy) see Vism 145 (sankh¤ra-kkhandha-sangahit¤ p¨ti, vedan¤-kkhandha-sangahitaµ sukhaµ).... - Defined further at Vism 145 and 461 (iÂÂha-phoÂÂhabb-a-nubhavana-lakkhaĵaµ; i. e. of the kind of experiencing pleasant contacts). - Two kinds, viz. k¤yika and cetasika at Ps I.188; several other pairs at A I.80; three (praise, wealth, heaven)...; another three (manussa-, dibba-, nibb¤na-)...; four (possessing, making good use of possessions, having no debts, living a blameless life) A II.69. - g¤tha-bandhana-sukh'atthaµ for the beauty of the verse J II.224. - Opp. asukha D III.222, 246...; or dukkha, with which often combd.... - Cases: instr. sukhena with comfort, happily, through happiness...; acc. sukhaµ comfortably, in happiness; yath¤ s. according to liking...; sukhaµ seti to rest in ease, to lie well S I.41; A I.136... Cp. sukhasayita. - s. edhati to thrive, prosper S I.217.... s. viharati to live happily, A I.96; III.3...


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