Pali Glossary
still under revision) A - L
Abhidhamma the higher teachings
of Buddhism, teachings on ultimate realities (literally the great
Abhidhammattha-sangaha an
Encyclopedia of the Abhidhamma, written by Anuruddha between the 8th and
the 12th century A.D.
abhijjha (lobha),
abhinna supernormal
abhisankhara cetana-cetasika; the predominant factor in the conditioning of
kamma and, therefore, vipaka including rebirth
abyakata neither kusala
nor akusala
acinteyya something one
should not ponder
adhicitta-sikkha the
steadfastness of ekaggata-cetasika (samadhi) in the arammana appearing at
that instant
adhimokka-cetasika the
cetasika that is firmly determined, certain in the arammana
adhipanna-sikkha the
conscientious examination, study and knowledge of the characteristics of
realities appearing at that instant as what they really are
adhisila-sikkha The
instant of sati that is mindful of the characteristics of realities that
are appearing
adosa non aversion
adosa-cetasika the
cetasika that is not irritated, coarse or fierce, with the characteristics
of friendliness
adukkhamasukha neutral
ahara food, nourishment,
aharaja-rupa the rupa
arising from food
ahetuka citta not
accompanied by beautiful roots or unwholesome roots
ahosi kamma kamma which is
akasa sky, air, space,
akasa-rupa space between
akasanancayatana boundless
space, the meditation subject of the first immaterial jhana-citta
akincannayatana nothingness, the meditation subject f the third immaterial
akusala bad, unwholesome,
akusala kamma a bad
akusaka citta citta that
are not good, realities that are harmful; unwholesome
alobha non attachment,
alobha-cetasika the
cetasika that is not attached to the arammana
amoha wisdom or
anagami a person who has
reached the third stage of enlightenment, non returner; who has no
aversion (dosa)
Ananda the chief attendant
of the Buddha his half brother
anantara infinite,
anantara-paccaya the
condition for the next citta to arise consecutively immediately after the
preceding citta falls away
anapana-sati mindfulness
on breath
anatta not self
anenjabhisankhara kamma
which produce rebirth in arupa-brahma planes where there is no rupa
anicca impermanence
anicca-sanna perception of
aniccata-rupa the rupa at
the moment it falls away
anisansa good
annamanna-paccaya the
paccaya and the paccayubbana-dhamma each must depend on the other.
annasamana (-cetasika) (cetasika) that conform with whatever (level of citta) they arise
anubyanjana details of
what is appearing
anu-khana the
anuloma conformity or
anumodana appreciation of
someone else's kusala, rejoice
anupadisesa-nibbana final
nibbana, without the khandha remaining, at the death of an arahanta
anusaya latent tendency or
anusaya-kilesa the
minutely fine kilesa that accumulates like sediment in the citta
anussati mindfulness of
certain aramana
apaya-bhumi states of loss
and woe; lower worlds; unhappy existence
apo-dhatu element of water
or cohesion
appana absorption
appana-samadhi attainment-concentration
apunnabhisankhara demeritorious kamma-formations; the intention to do
arahanta noble person who
has attained the fourth and last stage of enlightenment
arammana object which is
known by consciousness
ittharammana or pleasant arammana
anittharammana or unpleasant arammana.
ariya-puggala noble person
who has attained enlightenment
ariya-sacca(-dhamma) Supreme Truths, Noble truths
arupa-bhumi plane of
arupa-brahma plane plane
of existence attained as a result of arupa-jhana. There are no sense
impressions, no rupa experienced in this realm.
arupa-jhana immaterial
arupavacara-citta arupa-jhana-citta, consciousness of immaterial jhana
asabhava-rupa rupa without
their own separate, distinct reality, stages in the existence of the
asammoha-sampajanna comprehension of non-delusion
asanni-satta plane plane
where there is only rupa, not nama
asankharika strong,
unprompted, not induced, either by oneself or by someone else
asankhata-dhamma reality
that does not arise and fall away, unconditioned reality, nibbana
asava intoxicant,
asekha non-learner; the
one who does not need to study any longer with all kilesa
asevana-paccaya the citta
that causes a citta of the same jati to arise and repeat it within the
same javana-vithi.
asobhana not good or
beautiful, not accompanied by good or beautiful roots
asobhana-dhamma the
opposite reality [nama-dhamma] of sobhana-dhamma. Any citta and cetasika
are asobhana.
asubha foul
asura demon, being of one
of the unhappy planes of existence
asurakaya one of the
unhappy planes of existence
atimahantarammana a very
clear arammana; the arammana of the tadalambana-vara
atiparittarammana the
arammana that is very insignificant because it only impinges on the
pasada-rupa and bhavanga-citta but does not cause any vithi-citta to
atita-bhavanga the
preceding life-continuum, marking the arising of the rupa that is arammana
shortly before the start of a process of citta experiencing an object
through one of the sense-door
atta self
attabhava body
Atthasalini a commentary
to the first book of the Abhidhamma-pitaka
avajjana adverting of
consciousness to the object which has impinged on one of the six
avibhutarammana The
arammana of the javana-vara through the mano-dvara. It is less clear
than the tadalambana-vara.
avici the lowest
avijja ignorance
avinibhoga-rupa the
smallest kalapa comprising eight inseparable rupa
ayatana the gathering that
is cause; sense-fields, namely the five senses and the mind and the
objects experienced by them
ayoniso manasikara unwise
attention of an object
ayuhana striving,
bala power,
bhanga-khana the
sub-instant of falling away, dissolution of citta
bhavana mental
development, comprising the development of calm and the development of
bhavanga-calana stirring
bhavanga arising shortly before a process of citta experiencing an object
through one of the six doors
bhavanga-citta life-continuum, citta which does not arise within a process but in
between processes
bhavanga-kicca the
function of life-continuum
bhavangupaccheda the last
bhavanga-citta cutting the stream of life-continuum before a process of
citta starts
bhikkhu ordained
bhikkhuni ordained
Buddhist woman
bhumi existence or plane
of citta; the 'okasa' (place, occasion) or the birth place of worldly
creatures; the citta as being composed of sampayutta-dhamma or
cetasika-dhamma that arise concurrently;
bodhisatta a being
destined to become a Buddha
brahma heavenly being born
in the brahma world as a result of the attainment of jhana
brahmavihara the four
divine abidings, meditation subjects which are: metta, karuna, mudita and
Buddha a fully enlightened
person who has discovered the truth all by himself, without the aid of a
Buddhaghosa the greatest
of commentators on the Tipitaka, author of the Visuddhimagga in 5 A.D.
buddhanussati mindfulness of the virtuous qualities of the Buddha
byapada ill-will
caganussati mindfulness of
the virtuous qualities of giving
cakkavala sphere, world,
galaxy, universe
cakkhayatana the eye,
which is the meeting place, the birth place
cakkhu eye
cakkhu-dhatu eye
cakkhu-dvara eyedoor
cakkhu-dvaravajjana-citta eye-door-adverting-consciousness
cakkhuppasada-rupa he rupa
with which visual object can come into contact
cakkhu-samphassa eye
cakkhu-vatthu eye-base
cakkhu-vinnana consciousness that experiences sight
cakkhuppasada-rupa eye-sense, the rupa with which visual object can come into
catutthajjhana the fourth
level of jhana
catuttha-naya the division
of four
cetana intention or
cetana-cetasika the
cetasika that intends, attends, endeavors to perform the function
cetasika mental factor
arising with consciousness
cetovimutti free from
chanda-cetasika the
cetasika that is satisfied to perform
citta consciousness, the
reality which knows, or cognizes an object.
cittaja-rupa rupa that
arises with citta as condition
cittanupassana-satipatthana The sati that arises to be mindful of the characteristics of the
immediate citta
citta-passaddhi calm of
citta-ekaggata one-pointedness of mind, concentration
cuti dying; the departure
from this existence, the end of being this person in this life
cuti-citta dying-consciousness; the last citta of life
dana generosity,
dassana-kicca function of
davi-panca-vinnana-citta the five pairs (kusala and akusala) of vipaka citta through the
five sense-doors
davi-hetuka-puggala a
person whose patisandhi-citta arises with two hetu, namely alobha-cetasika
and adosa-cetasika, without panna-cetasika arising concurrently.
deva a being of a higher
Devadatta The Buddha's
cousin. He tried to kill the Buddha as well as causing schism in the
devatanussati mindfulness
of the virtuous qualities of the deva
dhamma truth, reality,
that which really exists
dhamma-dhatu element of
dhamma, realities, comprising cetasika, subtle rupa, nibbana
dhammanussati mindfulness
of the virtuous qualities of the dhamma
dhammarammana all objects
other than the sense objects which can be experienced through the five
sense-doors, thus,objects which can be experienced only through the
Dhammasangani the first book of
the Abhidhamma-pitaka
Dhamma-vinaya the Buddhist
teachings (literary: truth-doctrine)
dhatu element
Dhatukatha Discussion on
the Elements, the third book of the Abhidhamma
dibbacakkhu supernatural
dibbasota supernatural
Digha-Nikaya the long
discourse group, part of the Tipitaka
dipa human planets,
continents, islands, refuges
ditthi wrong view,
distorted view about realities
ditthi-cetasika the
cetasika of wrong view about realities
ditthigata sampayutta accompanied by wrong view, with ditthi-cetasika concurrently
ditthigata-vippayutta not
evolving with wrong view
domanassa unpleasant
feeling, defining citta and cetasika only, as opposed to dukkha, which
defines both rupa and nama
dosa unpleasant feeling,
aversion, ill-will, hatred, anger
dosa-cetasika the cetasika
that is coarse and harsh, the reality that harms, troubles and
dosa-mula-citta citta
(consciousness) rooted in aversion
dugati-bhumi the unhappy
dukkha sufferings
dukkha-vedana painful
feeling or unpleasant feeling
dutiyajjhana the second
level of jhana
dhutanga austere ascetic
dvara the way through
which citta arises to experience arammana that is not the arammana of
bhavanga-citta;doorway through which an object is experienced, the five
sense doors or the mind door
dvi-pancavinnana-citta five pairs of vinnana (consciousness) through the five dvara or
senses, excluding mano-dvara
ekaggata one-pointedness,
focus, concentration, a cetasika which has the function to focus on one
ekaggata-cetasika the
cetasika that is firmly established in the arammana
etadagga most proficient
in a specific area
gana-pannatti attachment
to the signs of collective realities with or without knowing what the
convention terms for the object is
gandharammana smell
gantha a bond, a group of
defilements; a book
gati-sampatti birth in a
good plane, or the sugati-bhumi; favourable environment
birth in a bad plane, or the dugati-bhumi
ghana-pannatti attachment
to the signs of collective realities with or without knowing what the
convention terms for the object is
ghana-dhatu nose
ghanappasada-rupa rupa
which is the organ of smelling sense, capable of receiving odour; the rupa
with which smell can come into contact
ghana-vinnana consciousness that experiences smell
ghayana-kicca function of
gocara-visaya-rupa the
rupa which citta would arise to know generally
gotrabhu change of
lineage, the last citta of the sense-sphere before jhana,
absorption, is attained, or enlightenment is
hadaya-rupa the rupa where
the citta arises other than the sense-door
hadaya-vatthu heart-base,
rupa which is the plane of origin of the cittas other than the
hasituppada-citta smile
producing consciousness of an arahanta
hetu root, which
conditions citta to be beautiful or unwholesome
hiri-cetasika the cetasika
that is ashamed of and disgusted by akusala-dhamma
indriya prominence in its
specific function, prowess, faculty. Some are rupa such as the sense
organs, some are nama such as feelings. Five 'spiritual faculties' are
wholesome faculties that should be cultivated, namely: confidence, energy,
awareness, concentration and wisdom.
indriya-paccaya the
predominant paccaya in its specific function, faculty
indriya-samvara-sila the
virtue of restraint of the faculties
issa envy
issa-cetasika the cetasika
that is jealous of others' assets, physical, material or
itthibhava-rupa a rupa
that permeates the entire body, manifested in the shape, size, state,
manners and demeanor of the feminine sex.
jalabuja birth in the
jarata-rupa the rupa at
the moment it declines
Jataka stories about the
Buddha's former lives
jati nature, class (of
citta), birth
Jatumaharajika the lowest
plane of heaven
javana impulsion, running
through the object
javana-citta cittas which
'run through the object', kusala citta or akusala citta in the case of
javana-vithi series of
javana within the process of citta arising through the six sense
jhana a high level of
peacefulness exempt from lobha, dosa and moha through the development of
calm; absorption consciousness attained through the development of
jhana-citta see
jhana factors cetasikas
which have to be cultivated for the attainment of jhana: vitakka, vicara,
piti, sukha, samadhi
jivhappasada-rupa rupa
which is the organ of tasting sense, capable of receiving flavour; the
rupa with which taste can come into contact
jivha-vinnana consciousness that experiences taste
jivitindriya element that
maintains life
jivitindriya-cetasika the
cetasika that maintains its sampayutta-dhamma and keeps them alive before
they fall away
jivitindriya-rupa element
that keeps the other rupa accompanying it in each kalapa alive, as a
living rupa.
kalapa The smallest group
of rupas that arise together interdependently, impossible to separate or
kala-sampati birth in a
good time; favourable period
kala-vipatti unfavourable
kama sensuous enjoyment or
the five sense objects
kama-bhumi sensuous plane
of existence
kama-puggala a person who
still enjoys the sensuous existence
kama-sobhan?a-citta beautiful citta of the sense sphere
kamachanda sensuous
kamavacara-citta citta
arising in the sense world
kamma intention
(cetana-cetasika) or deeds resulting thereof
kamma-paccaya condition
resulting from kamma
kammaja-rupa rupa that
arises because of kamma
kammannata-rupa the state
of taskworthiness of the rupa
kammapatha course of
action performed through body, speech or mind which can be wholesome or
kappa an endlessly long
period of time
karuna helping those who
are in need physically, mentally or materially; compassion;
kasina object of
meditation (samatha as opposed to vipassana); the method of inducing
concentration by blocking all other arammana from the five senses
kaya body. It can also
stand for the 'mental body', the cetasikas
kaya-dhatu the element of
kayagata-sati mindfulness
of the body
kaya-passaddhi calm of
cetasikas (mental factors)
kayappasada-rupa the rupa
with which cold or heat (fire element), softness or hardness (earth
element), tension and motion (wind element) can come into contact
kaya-vinnana consciousness
that experiences bodysense contact
kaya-vinnatti-rupa special
state of the rupa that conveys meaning such as gestures, facial
expression, etc.
khana instant
khandha aggregate, group
of existence, conditioned reality
Khandha-vagga the third
book of the Kindred Sayings
khanti patience
kicca function
kilesa defilements
kilesa-kama lobha-cetasika, a reality that is pleased with or attached to
kiriya-citta functional
consciousness without accumulative results
kukkucca regret or
kukkucca-cetasika the
cetasika that is troubled and disturbed about akusala that has been done
and the kusala not done
kusala good, virtuous,
harmless, wholesome ; a reality that is virtuous, harmless
kusala-citta wholesome
consciousness; a beneficent citta
kusala-kamma a good
lahuta-rupa the state of
lightness, non-heaviness of the rupa
lakkhana characteristic,
specific or generic attribute
lobha attachment,
lobha-mula-citta consciousness rooted in attachment
lokavidu one enlightened
about the world.
lokiya mundane
lokiya citta citta which
is mundane, not experiencing nibbana
lokuttara supramundane
lokuttara-citta supramundane citta which experiences nibbana
lokuttara dhamma the
unconditioned dhamma which is nibbana and the magga-citta
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