Pali Glossary
still under revision)
M - Z
macchariya stinginess
macchariya-cetasika the
cetasika that is stingy of its possessions, that does not want others to
share or profit from them in any way
magga path (eightfold
magga-citta path
consciousness, supramundane citta which experiences nibbana and eradicates
mahabhuta-rupa the rupa
which are the four great elements of earth or solidity, water or cohesion,
fire or temperature, and wind or motion.
mahakiriya-citta inoperative sense-sphere citta of the arahanta, accompanied by
beautiful roots.
mahakusala-citta wholesome
citta of the sense sphere
mahantarammana a clear
arammana that can cause kusala or akusala or mahakiriya-citta (for the
arahanta) to arise; the arammana of javana-vara
mahapurisa-lakkhana the
(thirty-two major) characteristics of the Great Man
mahavipaka-citta citta of
the sense sphere which is result, accompanied by beautiful
Maha-vagga the fifth book
of the Kindred Sayings
mana conviction that one
is superior in any way to others or even delimitations between "them' and
mana-cetasika the cetasika
of self-importance and pride
manasikara paying
attention to
manasikara-cetasika the
cetasika that is attentive, interested in the arammana
manayatana mind-base
mangala auspicious sign or
mano mind, citta,
mano-dhatu mind-element,
comprising the five-sense-door adverting-consciousness, and the two types
of receiving-consciousness.
mano-dvaravajjana-citta mind door-adverting consciousness
mano-dvara-vithi-citta citta arising in a mind door process.
mano-samphassa mind
mano-vinnana-dhatu mind-consciousness element, comprising all cittas other than the
sense-cognitions (seeing, etc.) and mind-element.
mano-dvara mind
manussa-bhumi human
mara the evil
metta loving others as
though they were one's children; lovingkindness; amity;
miccha-samadhi wrong
middha torpor or
middha-cetasika the
cetasika that makes the concurrent cetasika dispirited, drowsy, and
Moggallana The second of
the Chief disciples of the Buddha
mogha-vara when the javana
do not arise to know the arammana in the vara (process) of
moha ignorance
moha-cetasika the cetasika
that does not know the characteristics of realities as they really
moha-mula-citta citta
rooted in ignorance
mudita to have good
feelings towards others' good fortune
muduta-rupa the state of
malleability, non-stiffness of the rupa
musavada lie
nama mental phenomena,
including those which are conditioned and also the unconditioned nama
which is nibbana.
nama-dhamma mental
phenomenon, consciousness, a reality which experiences and knows;
nama-khandha group of all
mental phenomena
nama-rupa-pariccheda-nana first stage of insight, insight knowledge of the distinction
between mental phenomena and physical phenomena
nana wisdom,
nanakkhanaika-kamma-paccaya paccaya that brings results in a different moment, causes
vipaka-citta and cetasika to arise in the future
nana-sampayutta composed
with panna
natthika-ditthi wrong view
of annihilation, assumption that there is no result of kamma.
nevasannanasannayatana-jhana sphere of neither perception nor non-perception, the meditation
subject of he fourth immaterial jhana.
neyya-puggala one who
realizes the truth upon much guidance and perseverance
nibbana the reality that
eradicates defilements and ends sufferings.
nimitta signs and
characteristics; shapes and forms
nirodha-samapatti the
suspension of the arising of citta and cetasika during a period of not
more than seven days
nivarana hindrances, a
group of defilements
nivarana-dhamma negative
realities, hindrances
oja the rupa which is
okasa place,
okasa-loka the birthplace
of worldly creatures of which there are 31 bhumi
olarika-rupa gross rupa
(sense objects and sense organs)
ottappa-cetasika the
cetasika that fears the harm of akusala-dhamma
paccaya a reality that
benefits and assists other realities to arise or maintain them according
to the specific kinds of conditions
paccavekkana reviewing
Pacceka Buddha an
enlightened one who has found the truth by himself but does not teach the
Dhamma to the world.
paccupatthana apparent
padaparama-puggala who
could not realize ariya-sacca-dhamma despite much listening, reading,
discussing and reciting the dhamma
padatthana immediate
pakinnaka-cetasika cetasika that can arise concurrently with akusala-cetasika and
sobhana-cetasika, exempting certain kinds of citta according to their
distinct types
panca-dvaravajjana-citta the adverting of consciousness to the object which has impinged on
the five doors
panca-dvara-vithi-citta process of consciousness through the five dvara
pancaka-naya the division
of five
panca-vinnana the sense
cognitions, seeing etc. of which there five pairs
panna wisdom or
pannatti conventional
terms; signification: concept (anything non-paramattha-dhamma); names,
terms with which to communicate; speech, decrees, designations,
Papancasudani commentary
to the Sati-patthana Sutta
paramattha-dhamma the
ultimate reality or truth
Paramatthamanjusa a
commentary to the Visuddhimagga
parami omnipotent
Paranimmita-vasavatti the
highest deva plane
parikamma preparatory
consciousness, the first javana-citta arising in the process during which
absorption or enlightenment is attained
pariccheda-rupa asabhava-rupa consisting of akasa-dhatu exists between kalapa,
separating them
parikamma-samadhi preparatory concentration
parinibbana complete
termination of existences
parittarammana the
arammana that only lasts five of the vithi-citta.
paritta-dhamma realities
that appear only briefly and fall away
pariyatti theoretical
study of the dhamma or the scriptures
pariyutthana-kilesa kilesa
of medium strength that arises with akusala-citta but not to the point of
breaking the sila and performing bad deeds.
pasada-rupa rupa which are
capable of receiving sense-objects such as visible object, sound, taste,
passaddhi peacefulness,
pathama-bhavanga the first
pathamajjhana the first
level of jhana
pathavi-dhatu earth
patibhaganimitta counterpart image, more perfected mental image of a meditation
subject, acquired in tranquil meditation
paticcasamuppada 'Dependent Origination', the conditional origination of phenomena;
the dhamma that depends on each other to arise
patimokkhasamvara-sila the
appropriate physical and verbal code of conduct of the bhikkhu
patipatti the practice
that develops the dhamma which eradicates kilesa (defilements) and dukkha
patisandhi rebirth,
patisandhi-citta rebirth
consciousness, the first citta of a lifetime the citta that functions as
successor to the cuti-citta
patisanthara courtesy
pativedha attainment,
realization of the dhamma which eradicates defilements and
Patthana Conditional
Relations, one of the seven books of the Abhidhamma
payoga-sampatti competence
in diligently and intelligently deliberated task
payoga-vipatti incompetence in doing a task
peta hungry ghost
pettivisaya the world of
the peta
phala-citta fruition
consciousness experiencing nibbana. It is result of magga-citta,
pharusa-vaca coarse
phassa contact
phassa-cetasika cetasika
that comes into contact with the arammana
photthabba tangible
object, namely cold or heat (fire element), softness or hardness (earth
element), tension and motion (wind element)
photthabbarammana tangible
object, experienced through bodysense; (cold, heat, softness, hardness,
tension or motion)
photthabbayatana the rupa
that comes into contact with the kayappasada-rupa
phussana-kicca function of
experiencing tangible object; or knowing bodysense contact
pisuna-vaca malicious
piti joy, rapture
piti-cetasika the cetasika
that is delighted, enraptured, cheery
Puggala-pannatti Designation of Human Types, the fourth book of the
punnabhisankhara meritorious kamma formations; the intention to do
punna merit
punna-kiriya-vatthu instruments of merit-making
purisabhava-rupa a rupa
that permeates the entire body, manifested in the shape, size, state,
manners and demeanor of the masculine sex.
puthujjana worldling, a
person who has not attained enlightenment
raga the pleasure and
Rahula the Buddha's
rasa function or
rasarammana object of
flavour; taste
rupa the reality that is
not consciousness, physical phenomena, realities which do not experience
rupa-brahma plane or rupa-bhumi fine material realm of existence attained as a result of
rupa-dhamma physical
phenomenon, which cannot experience anything
rupa-jhana material
rupa-khandha aggregate or
group of all physical phenomena (rupa)
rupa-paramattha the
reality that does not experience any arammana
ruparammana visible
object; that which appears through the eyes
rupavacara evolving with
rupa as arammana
rupavacara-citta type of
jhana citta, consciousness of the fine-material sphere
sabba-citta-sadharana-cetasika the seven cetasika that arise with all citta
sabhavalakkhana special
sabhava-rupa rupa with its
own distinct characteristics
sadda-pannatti the meaning
of sound
saddarammana sound
sadda-rupa sound
saddha faith or
sahagata accompanied
sahajata born
sahetuka accompanied by
Sakadagami a noble person
who has attained the second stage of enlightenment, a once-returner
sakkaya group of
sakkayaditthi wrong view
of personality, wrong view about the khandha
samatha-bhavana development of calm, tranquil meditation
samadana embrace, to take,
to understand, to examine correctly
samadhi concentration or
one-pointedness, ekaggata cetasika
samadhi-bhavana the
development of concentration
samanera novice
samannalakkhana common
samatha-bhavana the
development of calm
samma right
samma-ditthi right
samma-samadhi right
Sammasambuddha the
Supremely Enlightened, a fully enlightened person who has discovered the
truth all by himself, without the aid of a teacher and who can proclaim
the Truth to others beings
samma-sati right
sammati-sacca conventional
sammati-pannatti conventional term or idea as opposed to reality
sampajanna clear
satthaka-sampajanna = clear comprehension of usefulness sappaya-sampajanna = clear
comprehension of suitability gocara-sampajanna = clear
comprehension of the object of the citta (arammana) asammoha-sampajan = a clear
comprehension without wrong view
sampaticchanna-citta receiving-consciousness
sampayutta accompanied
sampayutta-dhamma accompanying realities; the characteristics of nama-dhamma or the
citta and cetasika that arise and fall away concurrently and know the same
arammana (uniquely citta with cetasika)
samphappalapa-vaca talk
without a purpose
samsara-vatta perpetual
rounds of wandering rebirth
samvara-sila moral
Sangha community of monks
and nuns. As one of the Triple Gems it means the community of those people
who have attained enlightenment.
sanghanussati mindfulness
of the virtuous qualities of the Buddhist Order
sanjanati cognizing
sankhara-dhamma conglomerate, complex realities, conditioned reality
sankhata-dhamma conditioned realities, the realities that arise and fall
sangiti Great Council,
convocation of the Sangha to revise the doctrine in the Tipitaka
sanna memory, remembrance
or perception
sanna-kkhandha memory
classified as one of the five khandha
santana' or 'santati' arising and falling away in continuation
santati-rupa the rupa at
the moment it develops
santirana-citta investigating-consciousness
sappaya-sampajanna comprehension of what is suitable, fitting
saraga-citta citta that is
accompanied by lobha-cetasika (pleasure and attachment)
sarana support
Sariputta The First chief
disciple of the Buddha
sasankharika prompted,
induced, instigated, either by oneself or someone else
sati mindfulness or
awareness; non-forgetfulness of what is wholesome and non-forgetfulness of
realities which appear
sati-patthana development
of experiencing realities through awareness
Satipatthana Sutta Middle
Length Sayings 1, number 10, also Digha-Nikaya, dialogues 11, no.
sati-sampajanna mindfulness and clarity of consciousness; awareness
saupadisesa-nibbana arahantship with the khandha or groups of existence remaining,
thus not final nibbana at death of an arahanta.
savaka disciple, pupil
(literary "a hearer")
savana-kicca function of
sayana-kicca function of
sekha learner, the one who
still has to study and develop dhamma to ever higher levels towards the
eradication of remaining kilesa
sila precepts
silabbata-paramasa wrong
silabbatupadana wrong
practice, which is clinging to certain rules (rites and rituals) in one's
silanussati mindfulness of
the virtuous qualities of the sila
Sineru the hill-shaped
center of the galaxy
sobhana good, nice
sobhana-dhamma good
reality (citta and cetasika) sobhana citta and cetasika good, nice citta
and cetasika
sobhana hetu good
sobhana kiriya-citta kiriya-citta accompanied by sobhana (good) roots
somanassa happy feeling,
defining citta and cetasika only, as opposed to sukha, which defines both
rupa and nama
somanassa-sahagata arising
with somanassa-vedana
sanna-cetasika the
cetasika that remembers (cognizes) the arammana
soracca temperance
sota-dhatu element of
sota-dvara-vithi-citta ear-door process citta
sota-dvaravajjana-citta ear-door-adverting-consciousness
sotapanna person who has
attained the first stage of enlightenment, and who has eradicated wrong
view of realities
sotappasada-rupa the rupa
with which sound can come into contact
sota-vinnana hearing-consciousness
sugati-bhumi the happy
sukha happy,
sukha-vedana pleasant
bodily feeling
sukhuma subtle
Sumankalavilasini commentary to the dialogues of the Buddha
sunnata empty, void
sutta part of the
scriptures containing dialogues at different places on different
suttanta a sutta text
tadalambana residual
aramana registration
tadarammana residual
aramana registration
tadarammana-citta registering consciousness
tanha (or lobha) craving,
desire, pleasure and attachment
tassana-kicca function of
Tathagata He who comes and
goes in the same way (as the previous Buddha), the thus-gone. (The name
the Buddha calls himself. Sometimes used for the arahanta)
tatiyajjhana the third
level of jhana
tatramajjhattata equanimity or evenmindedness
tatramajjhattata-cetasika the neutral cetasika, without bias, prejudice
tejo-dhatu element of fire
or heat
Theravada Buddhism ' Doctrine of the Elders', the oldest tradition of
thina sloth
thina-cetasika the
cetasika that makes the citta discouraged, depressed
thiti-khana the
sub-instant of existing, existing of citta
tika sub-commentary
tilakkhana the three
universal characteristics
Tipitaka collections of
the three groups of the Buddhist teachings
ti-hetuka-puggala Those
whose patisandhi-citta arises with alobha-cetasika, adosa-cetasika and
panna (or amoha)-cetasika
udana Verses of Uplift
from the Minor Anthologies
uddhacca restlessness
ugghatitannu-puggala one
who realizes the truth upon hearing
upacara access or
proximatory consciousness, the second javana-citta in the process in which
absorption or enlightenment is attained
upacara-samadhi access-concentration
upacaya-rupa the rupa when it
first arises
upada-khana the
sub-instant of arising, arising of citta
upadana clinging
upadanakkhandha khandha of
upadaya-rupa derived rupa,
the rupa other than the four Great Elements in the same kalapa
Upadhi the reality that
embodies the dukkha
upadhi-sampatti favorable
physical aspects
upadhi-vipatti unfavorable
physical aspects; physical deformity
upanissaya-paccaya the
accumulation of latent tendencies accumulated by the cetana-cetasika that
is not strong enough to produce neither kamma nor vipaka
upekkha neutral feeling;
evenness of mind; impartiality chalagupekkha = indifferent to the
6 arammana
brahmavihurupekkha = indifferent to all entities bojjhangupekkha = one of the
components that make enlightenment possible viriyupekkha = right perseverance
which is not too tense nor too lax in the development of bhavana
sankharupekkha =
indifferent when realizing the tilakkhana of the sankhara-dhamma
vedanupekkha = the
vedana-cetasika that does not feel unhappy or happy vipassanupekkha = neutral in the
consideration of the arammana that arises from causes and
tatramajjhattatupekkha = neutral, not biased or partial
jhanupekkha = the
tatramajjhattata-cetasika in the jhana which attenuates the preoccupation
by other dhamma which renders the peace less steadfast parisuddhupekkha = the
tatramajjhattata-cetasika in the catutthajjhana (from the perspective of
the 4 rupa-jhana), which is completely peaceful and cleansed from all
utu the fire
utuja-rupa rupa that
arises from the fire element
vaci speech
vaci-vinnatti the
asabhava-rupa which conveys meaning orally; verbally, or emitting sounds
in order to convey meaning
vana tanha or
vara process of citta;
occasion, time
vasana behavior and
physical demeanors accumulated until habitual; improper behavioral and
verbal habits which can be eradicated by none but the
vasi the instantaneous
efficiency and ease in arising and to end or stop the sequence of
jhana-citta at a given time
vatta cycle of
vatthu base, physical base
of citta
vatthu-kama the reality on
which pleasure and desire is based
vayo-dhatu element of wind
or motion
vedana feeling
vedana-cetasika the
cetasika that feels (emotions)
vedana-khandha group of
all feelings
veneyyasatta one for whom
enlightenment is possible, literally teachable beings
vibhanga Book of Analysis,
one of the seven books of the Abhidhamma
vibhutarammana The
arammana of the tadalambana-vara, which is clearer than the
vicara-cetasika cetasika
that supports and follows vitakka
vicikiccha uncertainty
(about the dhamma)
vicikiccha-cetasika the
cetasika that is uncertain about the dhamma
vikara-rupa asabhava-rupa
that enables the body to move and function. They constitute the special
adaptable qualities of the mahabhuta-rupa, which is light, malleable and
vimokkha liberation,
deliverance, escape
vinaya Book of Discipline
for the monks
vinnanancayatana sphere of
boundless consciousness, meditation subject for the second stage of
immaterial jhana
vinnana consciousness,
vinnana-dhatu element of
consciousness, comprising all citta
vinnanakkhandha all citta
vipaka result of
vipaka-citta citta which
is the result of a wholesome deed (kusala kamma) or an
unwholesome deed (akusala kamma). It can arise as
rebirth-consciousness, or during life as the experience of pleasant or
unpleasant objects through the senses, such as seeing, hearing,
vipallasa perversions.
Three kinds: sanna perversion of perception, citta of thought, ditthi of
vipacitannu-puggala one
who realizes the truth after explanation
vipassana wisdom which
sees realities as they are
vippayutta dissociated
virati refrain from
viriya effort,
viriya-cetasika the
cetasika that relentlessly perseveres to support its sahajatadhamma
viriyarambhakatha words
that are beneficial to the arising of viriya to be mindful of
characteristics of realities that appear
visankhara-dhamma reality
that does not arise, is not conditioned
Visuddhimagga an
encyclopaedia of the Buddha's teaching, written by Buddhaghosa in the
fifth century A.D
vithi process
vithi-citta citta arising
in processes
vithi-vimutti-citta process freed citta, citta which do not arise within a
vitikkakama-kilesa the
coarse kilesa that arises with the javana-vithi-citta
votthapana predeeding the
kusala or akusala in the process or vara
votthapana-citta citta
preceeding the javana; mano-dvaravajjana-citta that arises to perform
votthabbana-kicca through the panca-dvara
yakkha non-human
Yamaka the Book of Pairs,
the sixth book of the Abhidhamma
yoniso manasikara wise
attention to the object
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