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Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Itthatta:1 being here (in this world), in the present state of becoming, this (earthly) state (not "thusness" or "life as we conceive it", as Mrs. Rh. D. in K. S. I.177; although a confusion between ittha and itthaµ seems to exist, see ittha); "life in these conditions" K.S. II.17; expld. by itthabh¤va C. on S I.140 (see K.S. 318). - See also freq. formula A of arahatta. - D I.18, 84; A I.63; II.82, 159, 203...

Itthatta2 state or condition of femininity, womanhood, muliebrity.

Ittha...[the regular representative of Vedic ittha here, there, but preserved only in cpds. while the P¤li form is ettha] here, in this world (or "thus, in such a way"), only in cpd.
-bh¤v' a¾¾ath¤-bh¤va such an (i. e. earthly) existence and one of another kind, or existence here (in this life) and in another form"...



Formula of Arahantship:
PED: A. khؼ¤ j¤ti vusitaµ brahmacariyaµ kataµ kara¼Øyaµ na-paraµ itthatt¤ya "destroyed is (re-) birth, lived is a chaste life, (of a student) done is what had to be done, after this present life there is no beyond". Vin I.14, 35, 183; D I.84, 177, 203; M I.139; II.39; S I. 140; II.51, 82, 95, 120, 245; III.21, 45, 55, 68, 71, 90, 94, 195, 223; IV.2, 20, 35, 45, 86, 107, 151, 383; V.72, 90, 144, 222; A I.165; II.211; III.93; IV.88, 179, 302; V.155, 162...
MO: [In Freedom, Seeing Freedom, He knows he is free, and he knows:] "Left behind is birth [khؼ¤ j¤ti], done is duty's doing [kataµ kara¼Øyaµ], lived is the best of lives [vusitaµ brahmacariyaµ], no more this side or that [n'aparaµ], no more it'n and at'n [itthatt¤ya], for me."


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Itthatta"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Itthatta"

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004 5:49 AM

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