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SN IV: 36.I.9: Anicca: Instability, mo trans

SN IV: 35.I.7: KoÂÂhiko

All About Change by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward Warren
Anicca Unsettled, Change, Instabillity Impermanence instability Impermanence Impermanence change, inconstance Impermanence Transitoriness



Unsettled: A=not, Ni=down, Ca=man-formed k-kha (from 6, or the six senses). I hear this as Not Settled (what PED hears as 'homely'). Not yet dumped in a lump. Then the more sophisticated meanings attach: not finished, not fixed, still subject to change, inconstant, impermanent.



Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Nicca (adj.) [Vedic nitya, adj.-formation fr. ni, meaning "downward"=onward, on and on; according to Grassmann (Wtb. z. Rig Veda) originally "inwardly, homely"] constant, continuous, permanent D III.31; S I.142; II.109, 198; IV.24 sq., 45, 63; A II.33, 52; V.210;...- nt. adv. niccaµ perpetually, constantly, always...M I.326; III.271; Sn 69, 220, 336; Dh 23, 109, 206, 293;...Far more freq. as anicca (adj.; aniccaµ nt. n.) unstable, impermanent, inconstant; (nt.) evanescence, inconstancy, impermanence. - The emphatic assertion of impermanence (continuous change of condition) is a prominent axiom of the Dhamma, and the realization of the evanescent character of all things mental or material is one of the primary conditions of attaining right knowledge (: anicca-sa¾¾aµ manasikaroti to ponder over the idea of impermanence S II.47; III.155; V.132;...In this import anicca occurs in many combinations of similar terms, all characterising change, its consequences and its meaning, esp. in the famous triad "aniccaµ dukkhaµ anatt¤" (see dukkha II.2), e. g. S III.41, 67, 180; IV.28...Opposed to this ever-fluctuating impermanence is Nibb¤na (q. v.), which is therefore marked with the attributes of constancy and stableness...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Nicca"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Nicca"

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