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m¤na pride self esteem (positive or negative) conceit conceit conceit conceit conceit conceit


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

M¤na: M¤na [late VedicandEpic Sk. m¤na, fr. man, orig. meaning perhaps "high opinions" (i. e. No. 2); hence "pride" (No. 1). Def. of root see partly under m¤neti, partly under min¤ti] 1. pride, conceit, arrogance. M¤na is one of the Sa¾¾ojanas. It is one of the principal obstacles to Arahantship -- D III.234; S I.4. --asmi- pride of self, as real egoism D III.273. -- 2. honour, respect J V.331 (+p¬j¤). Usually in cpd. bahum¤na great respect.
-¢tim¤na pride and conceit, very great (self-) pride. or all kinds of conceit D III.86. -¢nusaya the predisposition or bad tendency of pride M I.486; D III.254, 282. -¢bhisamaya full grasp (i. e. understanding) of pride (with samm¤-) M I.122; S IV.205 sq., 399. -j¤tika proud by nature J I.88. -thaddha stubborn in pride, stiff-necked J I.88, 224. -da inspiring respect Mhvs 33, 82. -mada (-matta) (drunk with) the intoxicating draught of pride J II.259; PvA 86. -sa¸yojana the fetter of pride or arrogance D III.254. -satta cleaving to conceit. -salla the sting or dart of pride.

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