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Metta: Friendly Vibrations



Good Vibrations

The Four Godly Thoughts

Godly Thoughts Expansions

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #7: The Simile of the Cloth, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi trans., pp120

ATI: The Simile of the Cloth, Thanissaro, trans.

PTS: Middle Length Sayings, I:#7: Simile of the Cloth, Horner, trans., pp48

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
mett¤ Friendly Vibrations Amity friendliness, abiding in friendliness universal benevolence loving-kindness loving-kindness love love loving-kindness loving-kindness


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Metta: [abstr. fr. mitra = mitta, cp. Vedic maitra¸. According to Asl. 192 (cp. Expos. 258) derived fr. mid to love, to be fat: "mejjati mett¤ siniyhat¨ ti attho"] love, amity, sympathy, friendliness, active interest in others...desire of bringing welfare & good to one's fellow-men...-- Phrases occurring frequently: mett¤ ceto-vimutti D I.251; S II.265; A IV.150...mett¤-sahagatena cetas¤ with a heart full of love D I.250; II.186; III.49 sq., 78, 223 sq.; S V.115; A I.183; II.129; IV.390; V.299, 344; expld in detail at Vism 308. mett¤¸ karoti (loc.) to be friendly or sympathize with...mett¤-citta¸ kindly thought, a heart full of love D I.167; III.237...and mett¤-jh¤na love-meditation...
-bh¤vana cultivation or development of friendliness (towards all living beings) J I.176; III.45; Miln 199; Vism 295.
-vih¤rin abiding in kindliness...Vism 324...

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Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:14 PM

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