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Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Nid¤na Downbound, Set, Setting, Start, Beginning, Cast



Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Nid¤na: [Sk. nid¤na, ni+*d¤na of d¤, dyati to bind, cp. Gr. de/sma, dh_ma (fetter) and see d¤ma] (a) (n.) tying down to; ground (lit. or fig.), foundation, occasion; source, origin, cause; reason, reference, subject ("sujet") M I.261; A I.134 sq.; 263 sq., 338; II.196; IV.128 sq.;...(b) (adj.) founded on, caused by, originating in, relating to S V.213 sq...(c) nid¤naµ (acc. as adv.) by means of, in consequence of, through, usually with tato- through this, yato- through which D I.52, 73; M I.112...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Nidana"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Nidana"


Ni = down; d¤na = given; Downbound. The word is most familiar to readers of Pali in its use for the introductory paragraphs of suttas, and in the formula for the paticca samuppada. In both cases I believe the use relates to the meaning of this word as the knot used to begin the rug-weaving process, the first knot.



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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Monday, September 15, 2003 6:54 PM

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