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The Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta In Pali

PTS, L. Feer, Samyutta-Nikaya V: Maha-vagga XII: Sacca-Samyutta 2: Dhammacakkapavattana-vaggo, pp 420

PTS, F.L. Woodward, trans., The Book of the Kindred Sayings V: The Great Chapter XI: Kindred Sayings about the Truths II: Foundation of the Kingdom of the Norm, pp 356

WP, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., The Connected Discourses of the Buddha II: The Great Book 12: Connected Discourses on the Truths 2: Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma, pp1843

AIT: Setting Rolling the Wheel of Truth

The Formula of the Revolution of the Wheel of Experience, Venerable Punnaji's translation of the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, the First Discourse

PTS, The Middle Length Sayings III, #141: Discourse on the Analysis of the Truths (Saccavibha.ngasutta), Horner, trans., pp295

WP, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #9: Right View, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans, pp134

PTS, Dialogues of the Buddha II: #22: Mahasatipatthana Sutta -- Setting-Up of Mindfulness, Rhys Davids, trans, pp337

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Nirodha ending ending stopping Stopping cessation cessation cessation cessation Cessation making to cease, ending, cessation



Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Nirodha: [BSk. nirodha, to nirundhati, cp. nirujjhati & niruddha] oppression, suppression; destruction, cessation, annihilation (of senses, consciousness, feeling & being in general: sankh¤r¤).-- N. in many cases is synonymous with nibb¤na & parinibb¤na; it may be said to be even a stronger expression as far as the active destruction of the causes of life is concerned. Therefore frequently combd with nibb¤na in formula "sabbasankh¤ra-samatho . . . vir¤go nirodho nibb¤na¸," e. g. S I.136... Also in combn with nibbid¤, e. g. S III.48, 223; III.163 sq.; V.438. -- The opposite of nirodha is samudaya, cp. formula "ya¸ ki¾ci samudaya-dhamma¸ sabban ta¸ nirodha-dhamma¸"
(a) Vin I.1, 10; D II.33, 41, 57 sq., 112; III.130 sq., 136 sq., 226 sq.; J I.133; II.9 sq., 223; III.59 sq., 163; V.438; M I.140, 263, 410; A I.299; IV.456
(b) (as-°): anupubba° D III.266; A IV.409, 456; abhisa¾¾¤° D I.180; asesavir¤ga° S II.4, 12; IV.86; V.421 sq.; A I.177; II.158, 161; up¤d¤na° S III.14; k¤ma° A III.410 sq.; j¤ti° S IV.86; ta¼h¤° D III.216; dukkha° D III.136; S III.32, 60; IV.4 sq., 14, 384; A I.177; nandi° S III.14; IV.36; bhava° (=nibb¤na) S II.117; III.14; A V.9...; sakk¤ya° D III.240; S V.410; A II.165 sq.; III.246, 325 sq.; V.238 sq.; sa¾¾¤vedayita° D III.262, 266; S IV.217, 293 sq.; V. 213 sq.; A I.41; III.192; IV.306; V.209.
-dhamma subject to destruction, able to be destroyed, destructible (usually in formula of samudaya-dhamma, see above) Vin I.11; D I.110; S IV.47, 107, 214; M III.280; A V.143 sq.;
-dhammat¤ liability to destruction S IV.217;
-dh¤tu the element or condition of annihilation, one of the 3 dhatus, viz. rupa, arupa° n°. D III.215
-sa¾¾¤ perception or consciousness of annihilation D III.251 sq., 283; A III.334
-sam¤patti attainment of annihilation


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Nirodha"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Nirodha"

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