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Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Pa¾¾¤ wisdom insight, wis-e, dom intuitive wisdom understanding, penetrative awareness, the primal knowledge wisdom wisdom intelligence discernment wisdom


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Pa¾¾¤: [cp. Vedic praj¾¤, pa+j¾¤] intelligence, comprising all the higher faculties of cognition, "intellect as conversant with general truths" (Dial. II.68), reason, wisdom, insight, knowledge, recognition. See on term Mrs. Rh. D. "Buddhism" (1914) pp. 94, 130, 201...As tt. in Buddhist Psych. Ethics it comprises the highest and last stage as 3rd division in the standard "Code of religious practice" which leads to Arahantship or Final Emancipation. These 3 stages are: (1) s¨la-kkhandha (or -sampad¤), code of moral duties; (2) sam¤dhi-kkhandha (or cittasampad¤) code of emotional duties or practice of concentration and meditation; (3) pa¾¾¤-kkhandha (or -sampad¤) code of intellectual duties or practice of the attainment of highest knowledge. (See also jh¤na) They are referred to in almost every Suttanta of D¨gha 1. (given in extenso at D I.62-85) and frequently mentioned elsewhere, cp. D II.81, 84, 91 (see khandha, citta and s¨la). - D I.26=162 (-gatena caranti diÂÂhigat¤ni), 174 (-v¤da), 195 (-p¤rip¬rin); II.122 (ariy¤); III.101, 158, 164, 183, 230, 237, 242, 284 sq.; S I.13=165 (s¨la, citta, pa¾¾¤), 17, 34, 55; II.185 (samm¤-), 277; V.222 (ariy¤); M I.144 (id.); III.99 (id.), 245 (param¤), 272 (samm¤-); A I.61, 216; II.1 (ariy¤); IV.105 (id.); III.106 (s¨la, citta, p.), 352 (kusalesu dhammesu); IV.11 (id.); V.123 sq.;...
-indriya the faculty of reason (with sati- and sam¤dhi-) D III.239, 278;...
-kkhandha the code of cognition (see above) Vin I.62; D III.229, 279;...It is always combd with s¨la- and sam¤dhi-kkhandha.
-cakkhu the eye of wisdom (one of the 5 kinds of extraordinary sight of a Buddha: see under cakkhumant) D III.219; S V.467; It 52;...
-dada giving or bestowing wisdom S I.33;...
-dhana the treasure of perfect knowledge (one of the 7 treasures, see dhana) D III.163, 251; A III.53;...
-bala the power of reason or insight, one of the 5 powers D III.229, 253; M III.72; A IV.363;...
-vimutti emancipation through insight or knowledge (always paired with ceto-vimutti) D I.156, 167; III.78, 102, 108, 132, 281;...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Panna"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Panna"

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