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Puremind Press: Awakening Meditation, M. Punnaji, pp.7-16

Sangiti Suttanta in Pali

PTS: Dialogs of the Buddha III, #33: The Recital, T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., pp201

WP: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33: The Chanting Together, M. Walshe, trans., pp479

PTS: Dialogs of the BuddhaThe Setting Up of Mindfulness

Soma Thera, ATI: The Discourse on the Arousing of Mindfulness

ATI: Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Frames of Reference

PTS: The Middle Length Sayings, I, #10: Applications of Mindfulness, Horner, trans., pp78

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #10: The Foundations of Mindfulness, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp152

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, V: The Book of the Tens, The Great Chapter, The Great Questions, Woodward, trans., pp36ff

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward Soma Thera
r¬pa materiality, thingness form material shape appearance material form material form material qualities, form material qualities, form form form, materiality form material form


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

R¬pa (nt.) [cp. Vedic r¬pa, connected etymologically with varpa...form, figure, appearance, principle of form, etc. (lit.) appearance, form, figure (=form either contrasted with what is unseen, or taken for both seen and unseen)...(*-) of such and such a form, like, kind, of a certain condition or appearance. In this appln very frequent and similar to E. -hood, or Ger. -heit, i. e. an abstract formation. Often untranslatable because of the latter character. It is similar to k¤ya, but not so much with ref. to life and feeling as to appearance and looks. adissam¤na- invisible (lit. with invisible form); ummatta- as if mad, under the appearance of madness, like a madman; eva- in such a condition; tapassØ- appearing to be an ascetic; t¤raka- the (shapes of the) stars; deva- as a deva. Pleonastically e. g. in: anupatta- attaining; taram¤na- quickly; yutta- fit; sucitta- variegated. -- Cases ad verbially: citta-r¬paµ according to intention; cetabba-r¬paµ fit to be thought upon. -atta-r¬pena on my own account S IV.97; godha-r¬pena as an iguana -- D. (as philos. t. t.) principle of (material) form, materiality, visibility. -- There are var. groups of psychological and metaphysical systematizations, in which r¬pa functions as the material, gross factor, by the side of other, more subtle factors. In all these representations of r¬pa we find that an element of moral psychology overshadows the purely philosophical and speculative aspect. 1. r¬pa as ¤yatana or sense object. It is the object of the activity or sphere of the organ of sight (cakkhu). As such it heads the list of the 6 b¤hir¤ni ¤yatan¤ni with "cakkhun¤ r¬paµ disv¤" (the others: sota>sadda, gh¤na>gandha, jivh¤>rasa, k¤ya>phoĀĀhabba, mano>dhamma). 2. (metaphysically) as the representative of sensory or material existence: (a) universally as forming the corporeal stratum in the world of appearance or form (r¬pa- bhava) as compared with the incorporeal (ar¬pa-bhava), being itself above, and yet including the k¤ma-bhava. (The k¤mabhava is a subdivision of r¬pabhava, which has got raised into a third main division.) This triad is also found in combns with loka or dh¤tu. A similar sequence r¬pa ar¬pa and nirodha (i. e. nibb¤na) in old verses. On indriya-r¬pa "faculty as form" see indriya. -- (b) individually in the sphere of saøs¤ra as one (i. e. the material quality) of the substrata of sensory individual existence or the khandhas. They are the 5: r¬pa-kkhandha, vedan¤-, sa¾¾¤-, sankh¤r¤-, vi¾¾¤¼a-; otherwise called r¬p'¬p¤d¤na-kkhandha etc. (e. g. D III.223, 278; Vism 443). See khandha II. B. -- In this property r¬pa consists of 28 subdivisions, viz. the 4 (great) dh¤t¬s (mah¤bh¬t¤ni or else bh¬ta-r¬pa primary matter) and 24 up¤d¤r¬p¤ni; the 24 consist of: cakkhu, sota, gh¤na, jivh¤, k¤ya, r¬pa, sadda, gandha, rasa, itthindriya, purisindriya, jØvitindriya, hadaya vatthu, k¤ya-vi¾¾atti, vacØ-vi¾¾atti, ¤k¤sa-dh¤tu, (r¬passa) lahut¤ mudut¤ kamma¾¾at¤, upacaya santati jarat¤ aniccat¤, kaba²ink¤r' --¤h¤ra;...: c¤tu-mah¤bh¬tikaµ r¬paµ catunnaµ ca mah¤bh¬t¤naµ up¤d¤ya r¬passa pa¾¾atti. The r¬pakkhandha shares with the others the qualities of soullessness, evanescence and ill (anatt¤, anicca, dukkha). -- (c) in the making up of the individuality as such (n¤ma-r¬pa), where in contrast with n¤ma (as abstract, logical, invisible or mind-factor) r¬pa represents the visible (material) factor, resembling k¤ya (cp. phrase n¤ma-k¤ya in same sense). The foll. are current defns of n¤ma-r¬pa: n¤ma-(k¤ya)=vedan¤, sa¾¾¤, cetan¤, phassa, manasik¤ra (otherwise citta-sankh¤r¤), r¬pa(-k¤ya)=catt¤ro mah¤-bh¬t¤ catunnaµ m-bh¬t¤naµ up¤d¤ya r¬paµ (otherwise k¤ya-sankh¤r¤) S II.4. See also under paĀicca-samupp¤da


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Rupa"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Rupa"



Rupa is the "having become a thingness of anything." This includes ideas and such invisible things as sounds. Rupa includes the mental (nama) that has become an aspect of individual existance, cannot be separated from the mental, and is, itself, encompassed by the mental. Look at the Chinese Ying/Yang symbol.


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