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High Getting High

The Seventh Lesson

The Eighth Lesson

The 10th Lesson

WP, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #9: Right View, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans, pp134

PTS: Majjhima Nikaya III: #118 (Middle Length Sayings III #118: Mindfulness When Breathing, Horner trans., pp127)

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #118: Mindfulness of Breathing., Nanamoli/Bodhi, trans., pp946

PTS, Dialogues of the Buddha II: #22: Mahasatipatthana Sutta -- Setting-Up of Mindfulness, Rhys Davids, trans, pp336

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings II: The Book of the Fours, II: Deportment iv: Restraint, Woodward, trans, pp16

Wings to Awakening

Puremind Publishers, Bhante Madawela Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, pp4-7

Rhys Davids: Buddhist Suttas, I: The Book of the Great Decease, Chapter I, note 17

Linked Suttas on Burning (SN III.xiii) Includes suttas, vocabulary and discussion.

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
sam¤dhi Getting High concentration concentration Equilibrium, Mental Repose concentration concentration earnest contemplation, rapture concentration concentration Concentration concentration


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Sam¤dhi: [fr. sa¸+¤+dh¤]
1. concentration; a concentrated, self-collected, intent state of mind and meditation, which, concomitant with right living, is a necessary condition to the attainment of higher wisdom and emancipation. In the Subha-suttanta of the Digha (D I.209 sq.) sam¤dhi-khandha...is the title otherwise given to the cittasampad¤...Thus sam¤dhi would comprise
(a) the guarding of the senses...
(b) self-possession...
(c) contentment...
(d) emancipation from the 5 hindrances
(e) the 4 jh¤nas....A III.12...D III.229...A I.125; II.20; III.15; V.326;... It is defined as cittassa ekaggat¤ M I.301;...and with samatha...-- samm¤* is one the constituents of the eightfold ariya-magga, e. g. D III.277;... -- See further D II.123 (ariya); Vin I.97, 104; S I.28;...

2. Description & characterization of sam¤dhi: Its four nimittas or signs are the four satipaÂÂh¤nas M I.301; six conditions and six hindrances A III.427; other hindrances M III.158. The second jh¤na is born from sam¤dhi D II.186; it is a condition for attaining kusal¤ dhamm¤ A I.115;...; conducive to insight A III.19, 24 sq., 200; S IV.80; to seeing heavenly sights etc. D I.173; to removing mountains etc. A III.311; removes the delusions of self A I.132 sq.; leads to Arahantship A II.45;...cetosam¤dhi (rapture of mind) D I.13; A II.54; III.51; S IV.297; citta* id..... dhamm¤sam¤dhi almost identical with samatha S IV.350 sq.
...-- Three kinds of s. are distinguished, su¾¾ata or empty, appa¼ihita or aimless, and animitta or signless A I.299; S IV.360; cp. IV.296; Vin III.93;...
--it is fourfold chanda-, viriya-, citta-, and v¨ma¸sa-sam¤dhi D II.213; S V.268....
-indriya the faculty of concentration A II.149...
-ja produced by concentration D I.74; III.13; Vism 158.
-bala the power of concentration A I.94; II.252; D III.213, 253;...
-bh¤van¤ cultivation, attainment of sam¤dhi M I.301; A II.44 sq. (four different kinds mentioned); III.25 sq.; D III.222; Vism 371.
-sambojjhanga the s. constituent of enlightment D III.106, 226, 252; Vism 134...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "samadhi"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "samadhi"

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