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Puremind Press: Awakening Meditation, M. Punnaji, pp.7-16

Sangiti Suttanta in Pali

PTS: Dialogs of the Buddha III, #33: The Recital, T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., pp201

WP: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33: The Chanting Together, M. Walshe, trans., pp479

PTS: Dialogs of the BuddhaThe Setting Up of Mindfulness

Soma Thera, ATI: The Discourse on the Arousing of Mindfulness

ATI: Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Frames of Reference

PTS: The Middle Length Sayings, I, #10: Applications of Mindfulness, Horner, trans., pp78

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #10: The Foundations of Mindfulness, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp152

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, V: The Book of the Tens, The Great Chapter, The Great Questions, Woodward, trans., pp36ff

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward Soma Thera
sa¾¾¤ perception perceptions, conscious states, thoughts perception perception perception perception perception perception perception perception ideas perception


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Sa¾¾¤: [fr. saø+j¾¤] 1. sense, consciousness, perception, being the third khandha Vin I.13; M I.300; S III.3 sq.;... - 2. sense, perception, discernment, recognition, assimilation of sensations, awareness M I.293; A III.443 (nibb¤na-); S III.87;... - 3. consciousness D I.180 sq.; M I.108;... is previous to ¾¤¼a D I.185; a constituent part of n¤ma S II.3... -nevasa¾¾¤-na-sa¾¾¤ neither consciousness nor unconsciousness D III.224, 262 sq.; M I.41, 160; II.255; III.28, 44;... - 4. conception, idea, notion D I.28; III.289 (cp. Dial. III.263: "concept rather than percept"); M III.104; S I.107;...- 5. sign, gesture token, mark...pa¼¼a- a mark of leaves...rajjusa¾¾¤ a rope used as a mark, a guiding rope...rukkha-sa¾¾aµ pabbata-sa¾¾aµ karonto, using trees and hills as guiding marks...sa¾¾aµ dad¤ti to give the sign (with the whip, for the horse to start)...- 6. sa¾¾¤ is twofold, paĀighasamphassaj¤ and adhivacanasamphassaj¤ i. e. sense impression and recognition (impression of something similar, "association by similarity," as when a seen person calls up some one we know),...; threefold, r¬pasa¾¾¤, paĀighasa¾¾¤, and n¤nattasa¾¾¤ A II.184; S II.211;...or k¤ma-, vy¤p¤da-, vihiµs¤-...fivefold (pa¾ca vimutti-parip¤caniy¤ sa¾¾¤); anicca-, anicce dukkha-, dukkhe anatta-, pah¤na-, vir¤ga- D III.243, cp. A III.334; there are six perceptions of r¬pa, sadda, gandha, rasa, phoĀĀhabba, and dhamma, D II.309; S III.60; the sevenfold perception, anicca-, anatta-, asubha-, ¤dØnava-, pah¤na-, vir¤ga-, and nirodha-sa¾¾¤, D II.79; cp. A III.79; the tenfold perception, asubha-, mara¼a-, ¤h¤re paĀikk¬la-, sabbaloke anabhirata-, anicca-, anicce dukkha-, dukkhe anatta-, pah¤na-, vir¤ga-, nirodha-sa¾¾¤ A V.105; the one perception, ¤h¤re paĀikk¬lasa¾¾¤, Cpd. 21. - 7....
-gata perceptible, the world of sense M I.38.
-bhava conscious existence Vism 572; VbhA 183.
-vedayitanirodha cessation of consciousness and sensation M I.160, 301; III.45; A I.41...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Sanna"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Sanna"

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