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See also Cattari Satipatthana

That's Your Sati


The Seventh Lesson

The Eighth Lesson

The 10th Lesson

WP, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #9: Right View, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans, pp134

PTS: Majjhima Nikaya III: #118 (Middle Length Sayings III #118: Mindfulness When Breathing, Horner trans., pp127)

WP: The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, #118: Mindfulness of Breathing., Nanamoli/Bodhi, trans., pp946

PTS, Dialogues of the Buddha II: #22: Mahasatipatthana Sutta -- Setting-Up of Mindfulness, Rhys Davids, trans, pp336

Rhys Davids Introduction to their translation of the Satipatthana Sutta

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings II: The Book of the Fours, II: Deportment iv: Restraint, Woodward, trans, pp16

Wings to Awakening

BuddhaDust Satipatthana Resources Section

Puremind, M. Punnaji, Awakening Meditation, 1-13, 1-15, 3-12, 4-3, 4-6, 6-8, 7-6,7, 7-11, 8-52, 8-60, 8-61, 8-86

Wisdom Publicatiions, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, #10: The Foundations of Mindfulness, pp 145

Wisdom Publications, The Long Discourses of the Buddha, Maurice Walshe, #22: The Greater Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness, pp335

Pali Text Society, Middle Length Sayings I, #10: Discourse on the Applications of Mindfulness, Horner, pp70

See also: Glossology: Satisfaction

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
sati Mental Satisfaction, Memory, Mind mindfulness, conscience mindfulness Attentiveness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness mindfulness Mindfulness Mindfulness


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Sati: (f.) [Vedic sm.rti: Latin: memor, memoria=memory; Gr. care, witness, martyr; Gothic. maurnan=English: mourn to care, etc] memory, recognition, consciousness, D I.180; II.292...; intentness of mind, wakefulness of mind, mindfulness, alertness, lucidity of mind, self-possession, conscience, self-consciousness D I.19; III.31, 49, 213, 230, 270 sq.; A I.95;...; upaÂÂhit¤ sati presence of mind D III.252, 282, 287; S II.231; A II.6, 218; III.199; IV.232;...; parimukha¸ sati¸ upaÂÂh¤petu¸ to surround oneself with watchfulness of mind M III.89; Vin I.24, sati¸ paccupaÂÂh¤petu¸ to preserve self-possession J I.112; IV.215; k¤yagat¤ sati intentness of mind on the body, realization of the impermanency of all things M III.89; A I.43; S I.188;...muÂÂhasati forgetful, careless D III.252, 282; mara¼asati mindfulness as to death A IV.317 sq.; J IV.216;...asati not thinking of, forgetfulness... sati (samm¤-) is one of the constituents of the 8-fold Ariyan Path (e g. A III.141 sq....

-indriya the sense, faculty, of mindfulness A II.149...
-upp¤da arising, production of recollection J I.98; A II.185; M I.124.
-paÂÂh¤na [BSk. sm.rty'upasth¤na Divy 126, 182, 208] intent contemplation and mindfulness, earnest thought, application of mindfulness; there are four satipaÂÂh¤nas, referring to the body, the sensations, the mind, and phenomena respectively, D II.83, 290 sq.; III.101 sq., 127, 221; M I.56, 339; II.11 etc.; A II.218; III.12; IV.125 sq., 457 sq.; V.175; S III.96, 153; V.9, 166...
-sampaja¾¾a mindfulness and self-possession D I.70; A II.210...
-sambojjhanga (e. g. S V.90) see sambojjhanga.


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "sati"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "sati"


This is from the Rhys Davids Introduction to their translation of the Satipatthana Sutta, some interpretations by that generation of translators:

The following are some of the proposed translations of Sati:--

Conscience, Spence Hardy, ‘Manual,’412

Attention, Spence Hardy, ‘Manual,’ 497

Meditation, Gogerly, ‘Ceylon Buddhism,’ 584

Meditation, Childers, ‘Dictionary.’

Memory, Oldenberg, ‘Vinaya Texts,’ I, 96

Memory, E. Hardy, ‘Buddha,’ 40

Contemplation, Warren, ‘Buddhism in Translations,’ 353

Insight, Neumann, ‘Majjhima,’ I, 85

Thought, Pischel, ‘Buddha,’ 28

Thought, Oldenberg, ‘Buddha’ (English translation), 128

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