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Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Uddhacca: (nt.) [substantivised ger. of ud-dharati, ud + dhr, cp. uddhaÂaanduddhata. The BSk. auddhatya shows a strange distortion. BSk. uddhava seems to be also a substitute for uddhacca] over-balancing, agitation, excitement, distraction, flurry (see on meaning Dialogues I.82; Dhs trsln. 119; Cpd. 18, 45, 83). A I.256, 282; III.375, 421, 449; IV.87; V.142, 145, 148; D III.234; S V.277 sq.; DhSA 260; SnA 492 (in sense of "haughtiness"? for Sn 702 u¼¼ata); Nd1 220, 501; Ps I.81, 83; II.9, 97 sq.; 119, 142, 145, 169, 176; Pug 18, 59; Dhs 427, 429 (cittassa), 1159, 1229, 1426, 1482; Vbh 168, 369, 372, 377; Vism 137, 469 (= uddhata--bh¤va); Sdhp 459. Together with kukkucca "flurry or worry" u. is enumd. as the 4th of the 5th n¨vara¼a's and as the 9th of the 10 sa¸yojana's (q. v.), e. g. at D I.71, 246; III.49, 234, 269, 278; S I.99; A I.3; III.16; V.30; Nd2 379; Dhs 1486.

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