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See: Dhammatalk: Tanha vs Upadana;
On Ven. Punnaji
Awakening Meditation

Majjhima Nikaya I, Middle Length Sayings or Discourses.
38. Mahatanhasankhaya Sutta (Mahaata.nhaasankhaya), I.256
WP: The Greater Discourse on the Destruction of Craving, 349
PTS: Greater Discourse on the Destruction of Craving, I.311

Mahatanhasankhaya Sutta The Major Discourse on Destruction of Craving (Part 2/2) Mahayamaka Vagga, Mulapannasa, Majjhima Nikaya, Suttanta Pitaka From 'Twenty-five Suttas from Mulapannasa' Burma Pitaka Association (Myanmar Tipitaka Association), 1989

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward Warren
UpĪdĪna upkeep, going-after-getting, grasping grasping grasping personalization clinging grasping grasping clinging/sustenance clinging Attachment
KĪmacchanda upkeep of, going after getting pleasures
DiÂÂhi upkeep of, going after points of view, theories, working hypotheses view view perspective view view view view view view view
Silabbat- upkeep of, going after rules and rituals morals moral habit acts of omission letting go of behaviors rooted in self-centered emotional impulses Virtue, Habits, Rule Virtue, Habits, Rule Morality Morality Virtue Morality Habit
AttavĪd- upkeep of, going after getting self


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

UpĪdĪna[fr. upa + Ī + dĪ] - (lit. that (material) substratum by means of which an active process is kept alive or going), fuel, supply, provision; adj. (*-) supported by, drawing one's existence from S I.69; II 85...; 2. (appld.) "drawing upon", grasping, holding on, grip, attachment; adj. (*-) finding one's support by or in, clinging to, taking up, nourished by. ...They are classified as 4 upĪdĪnĪni or four Graspings viz. kĪm-, diÂÂh-, sĻlabbat-, attavĪd- or the graspings arising from sense-desires, speculation, belief in rites, belief in the soul-theory D II.58; III.230; M I.51, 66; S II.3; V 59;... - For upĪdĪna in var. connections see the foll. passages: D I.25; II.31, 33, 56; III.278; M I.66, 136 (attavĪd-) 266; S II.14, 17, 30, 85; III.10, 13 sq., 101, 135, 167, 191; IV.32, 87 sq., 102..., 390, 400 (= tažhĪ); A IV.69; V.111 (upĪy-);...
-kkhandha, usually as paūc- upĪdĪna-kkhandhĪ the factors of the "fivefold clinging to existence"...D II.35, 301 sq.; III.223, 286; M I.61, 144, 185; III.15, 30, 114, 295;...
-kkhaya extinction or disappearance of attachment S II.54; A III.376 sq.;...
-nidĪna the ground of upĪdĪna; adj. founded on or caused by attachment...
-nirodha destruction of "grasping" Vin I.1 (in formula of paÂicca-samuppĪda); S II.7; III.14; A I.177.
-paccaya = -nidĪna S II.5; III 94...


PED on Line (no diacriticals): "Upadana"
PED on Line (unicode font required): "Upadana"

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