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Dh¤tu, Mah¤ Dh¤tu

Catt¤ro Mah¤ Bh¬t¤ni The Four/Six Great Elements


Satipatthana Sutta: The Four Great Elements

Digha Nikaya #33, pp288

PTS, T.W and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., Dialogs of the Buddha III #33 pp 228. On BuddhaDust: 4:16; 6:16

WP, Walshe, trans, The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33, pp491

BD: DN #33: The Compilation: 4.16; 6:16 (Links to the Pali and to the Rhys Davids translation)

ATI: Middle Length Sayings, #28: The Simile of the Elephant's Footprint (Greater)

BD: Making an Earth Kasina



Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Dh¤tu Elements, Data
paÂhav¨ earth extension Solidity earth extended, earthy extended, earthy earth earth-element (or extension) earth
Apª water liquid Fluidity water cohesive, watery cohesive, watery water water-element (or cohension) water
tejo fire heat Heat fire hot, fiery, heat hot, fiery fire fire-element (or temperature) heat
v¤yo wind motion Motion air mobile, aerial, air mobile, aerial wind air-element (or motion) air
¤k¤s¤ space space ether Space space space space space space space
vi¾¾¤¼a consciousness consciousness consciousness Cognition consciousness consciousness, thought consciousness consciousness consciousness-element consciousness


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):

Dh¤tu: (f.) [Sk. dh¤tu to dadh¤ti, Idg. *dhe, cp. Gr. ti/qhmi, a)na/-qhma, Sk. dh¤man, dh¤Âr (=Lat. conditor); Goth. gadeds; Ohg. t¤t, tuom (in meaning *-=dh¤tu, cp. E. serf-dom "condition of . . .") tuon=E. to do; and with k-suffix Lat. facio, Gr. (e)/)qhk(a), Sk. dh¤ka; see also dhamma] element. Closely related to dhamma in meaning B 1b, only implying a closer relation to physical substance. ...- 1. a primary element, of which the usual set comprises the four paÂhav¨, ¤po, tejo, v¤yo (earth, water, fire, wind), otherwise termed catt¤ro mah¤bh¬t¤(ni): D I.215; II.294; III.228; S I.15; II.169 sq., 224; IV.175, 195; A II.165; III.243;...- Singly or in other combns paÂhav¨- S II.174; tejo- S I.144; D III.227; the four plus ¤k¤sa S III.227, plus vi¾¾¤na S II.248;...- 2. (a) natural condition, property, disposition; factor, item, principle, form. In this meaning in var. combns and applications, esp. closely related to khandha. Thus mentioned with khandha and ¤yatana (sensory element and element of sense-perception) as bodily or physical element, factor...Freq. also in combn k¤ma-dh¤tu, r¬pa- ar¬pa- "the elements or properties of k. etc." as preceding and conditioning bhava in the respective category...nibb¤na- the state of N. S V.8; A II.120; IV.202; J I.55;...va¼¼a- form, beauty S I.131;...In these cases it is so far weakened in meaning, that it simply corresponds to E. abstr. suffix -hood or -ity (cp. -hood=origin. "form": see ketu), so perhaps in Nibb¤na- =Nibb¤na-dom....- (b) elements in sense-consciousness: referring to the 6 ajjhattik¤ni and 6 b¤hir¤ni ¤yatan¤ni S II.140 sq. Of these sep. sota- D I.79; III.38;... dibbasota- S II.121, 212; V.265, 304; A I.255; III.17, 280; V.199; cakkhu- ...; mano-...; mano-vi¾¾¤¼a- ...(c) various: aneka- A I.22; III.325; V.33; akusala-...; avijj¤- S II.132; ¤bh¤- S II.150; ¤rambha- S V.66, 104 sq.; A I.4; II.338; Âhiti- S II.175; III.231; A III.338; dhamma- S II.56; nekkhamma- S II.151; A III.447; niss¤ra¼iy¤ dh¤tuyo (5) D III.239; A III.245, 290. See further S I.134, 196; II.153, 248 (anicc¤); III.231 (nirodha); IV.67; A I.176; II.164; IV.385;...- (d) Different sets and enumerations: as 3 under k¤ma-, r¬pa-, ar¬pa A I.223; III.447;...; under r¬pa-, ar¬pa-, nirodha- ...- as 6 (pathav¨ etc.+¤k¤sa- and vi¾¾¤¼a-): D III.247; A I.175 sq.; M III.31, 62, 240;...- as 7 (¤bh¤ subha etc.): S II.150. - 18:...- 3. a humour or affection of the body...- 4. the remains of the body after cremation...a relic...- abl. dh¤tuso according to one's nature S II.154...S III.65.



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