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Pali Term

Main English Terms


Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
Sot¤patti Earstream-winner stream-attainers Stream-enterere Stream-enterers


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary (edited entry):
Sota:1 [Vedic shrotas and shrotra; fr. shru: see su¼¤ti] ear, the organ of hearing... ; - dibba-sota the divine ear (cp. dibba-cakkhu) D I.79, 154; III.38, 281; dhamma- the ear of the Dhamma A III.285 sq., 350; V.140; S II.43; sotaµ odahati to listen (carefully) D I.230; ohita-s. with open ears A IV.115; V.154; J I.129.

Sota:2 [Vedic srotas, nt., fr. sru; see savati] 1. stream, flood, torrent...; metaphorically, the stream of cravings...; denotes noble eightfold path S V.347; bhava-s. torrent of rebirth S I.15; IV.128; vi¾¾¤¼a-s. flux of mind, D III.105; ... - 2. passage, aperture (of body, as eyes, ears, etc.), in ka¼¼a- orifice of the ear, and n¤sa- nostril, e. g. D I.106;...
-¤patti entering upon the stream, i. e. the noble eightfold path (S V.347), conversion Vin II.93 etc. By it the first three Sa¸yojanas are broken S V.357, 376. It has four phases (angas): faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Order, and, further, the noble S¨las S II.68 sq.; V.362 sq.; A III.12; IV.405; D III.227 (in detail). Another set of four angas consists of sappurisa-sa¸sev¤, saddhammasavana, yonisomanasik¤ra, and dhamma-nudhammapaÂipatti S V.347, 404. -phala the effect of having entered upon the stream, the fruit of conversion Vin I.293; II.183; M I.325; A I.44; III.441; IV.292 sq., 372 sq.; D I.229; III.227; S III.168, 225; V.410 sq.;... -magga the way to conversion, the lower stage of conversion...; see magga. -¤panna one who has entered the stream, a convert Vin II.161, 240; III.10; D I.156; III.107 sq., 132, 227; A II.89; S II.68; III.203 sq., 225 sq.; V.193 sq.;.... The converted is endowed with ¤yu, va¼¼a, sukha, and ¤dhipateyya S V.390; he is called wealthy and glorious S V.402; conversion excludes rebirth in purgatory, among animals and petas, as well as in other places of misery; he is a-vinip¤ta-dhamma: D I.156; II.200; S V.193 sq., 343; A I.232; II.238; III.331 sq.; IV.405 sq., V.182; M III.81; or kh¨¼a-niraya: A III.211; IV.405 sq. (+kh¨¼a-tiracch¤nayoni etc.). The converted man is sure to attain the sambodhi (niyato sambodhip¤r¤yano D I.156, discussed in Dial. I.190-192).

Vinip¤ta [fr. vi+nip¤teti] ruin, destruction; a place of suffering, state of punishment, syn. with ap¤ya and duggati (with which often combd, plus niraya, e. g. Vin I.227; D I.82, 162; M I.73; A III.211;...: A V.169;... The sot¤panna is called "avinip¤ta-dhammo," i. e. not liable to be punished in purgatory...

£panna [pp. of ¤pajjati] - 1. entered upon, fallen into, possessed of, having done...

Patti:21. (*-) obtaining, acquiring, getting, entering into, state of S I.189... - 2. attainment, acquisition S II.29...; esp. in phrase apattassa patti "attt of the unattained" D III.255= A IV.332; S I.217; II.29; A II.148; III.179;... 3. gaining, gain, profit, advantage S I.169...


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