1. Áhuneyya Sutta.-Preached at Jetavana. The six reasons connected with the control of the senses by virtue of which a monk becomes worthy of homage and of gifts. A.iii.279.


2. Áhuneyya Sutta.-Six other qualities connected with the abhiññá which make a monk so worthy. A.iii.280-1.


3. Áhuneyya Sutta.-Two suttas giving eight qualities that make a monk worthy of homage, etc. A.iv.290f.


4. Áhuneyya Sutta.-On nine persons worthy of homage: those who have attained the four Fruits of the Path, those four who are on the way thereto and the Gotrabhú (one who has entered the lineage of the Ariyan). A.iv.373.


5. Áhuneyya Sutta.-On ten persons described differently from the above, worthy of homage, etc. A.v.23.


Áhuneyya Vagga.-The first chapter of the Chakka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. It consists of ten suttas. A.iii.279-88.

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