Son of Mahádáthika and King of Ceylon for nine years and eight months. His younger brother, by whom he was ultimately slain, was Kanirajánu-Tissa, and he had two children, a son Cúlábhaya and a daughter Sívalí. Ilanága was his nephew.

Ámandagámani heightened the cone of the Mahá Thúpa and made additions to the Lohapásáda and the Thúpáráma. He also built the Rajatalena Vihára and the Mahágámendi tank to the south of Anurádhapura, which latter he gave for the use of the Dakkhinavihára.


He enacted an order that there should be no slaughter of animals in Ceylon and had gourds planted everywhere. To the whole brotherhood of monks in the island he once gave robes and alms-bowls filled with kumbhandaka fruits (pumpkins) and thereafter he was known by the name of Ámandagámaní (Ámanda is evidently a synonym of Kumbhandaka).


His brother Kanirajánu-Tissa, having killed him, succeeded to the throne (Mhv.xxxv.1-10; MT.640). Ámandagámaní is also referred to as Ámanda and Amandiya.

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