The bodhi-tree planted by Ánanda at the entrance to Jetavana.

The people of Sávatthi, led by Anáthapindika, suggested to Ánanda that some place should be provided where they might offer flowers and perfumes in the name of the Buddha, when the Buddha was away on his periodical tours.

After consultation with the Buddha, Ánanda obtained, with Moggallána's assistance, a fruit from the bodhi-tree at Gayá, and had it planted at the gateway of Jetavana in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering, including Pasenadi Kosala and Visákhá.

The seed was planted by Anáthapindika in a golden jar filled with fragrant earth. Immediately a sapling sprang up, fifty cubits tall, with five branches, each fifty cubits long.

The king poured round the tree perfumed water from eight hundred jars of gold and silver.

In order to consecrate the new tree, the Buddha, at Ánanda's request, sat under it for one night, in the rapture of samápatti.

Because the tree was planted by Ánanda, it became known as Ánandabodhi (J.iv.228-30).

Pilgrims who came to the Buddha at Jetavana were in the habit of paying respect to the Ánandabodhi (J.ii.321).

The Paduma Játaka and the Kálingabodhi Játaka were both preached in reference to this bodhi-tree.

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