The chief shrine at Álaví (SnA.i.344; SA.i.207) (hence probably the name), originally a pagan place of worship, but later converted into a Buddhist vihára. The Buddha stopped here on many occasions during his wanderings, and this was the scene of several Vinaya rules, e.g. against monks digging the ground (Vin.iv.32) and cutting trees (Vin.iv.34), using unfiltered water for building purposes (Vin.iv.48), sleeping in the company of novices (Vin.iv.16), giving new buildings in hand (Vin.ii.172f).


The Chabbaggiyá are censured here for a nissaggiya offence (Vin.iii.224). The Vangísa Sutta was preached there to Vangísa, on the occasion of the death of his preceptor, Nigrodhakappa (Sn.59f). In the early years of Vangísa's novitiate he stayed at the shrine with his preceptor, and disaffection arose within him twice, once because of women, the second time because of his tutor's solitary habits (S.i.185-6), and later, again, through pride in his own powers of improvisation (patibhána) (S.i.187). Here, again, the Buddha utters the praises of Hatthaka Alavaka, who visits him with a large following, whose fealty has been won (according to Hatthaka) by observing the four characteristics of sympathy (sangahavatthúni) learnt from the Buddha (A.iv.216-20).


Many lay-women and nuns flocked there by day to hear the Buddha preach, but none were there when he preached in the evenings (J.i.160). It was here that the Manikantha Játaka was related (J.ii.282), also the Brahmadatta Játaka (J.iii.78), and the Atthisena Játaka (J.iii.351), all in connection with the rules for building cells. See also Álaví.

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