A Yakkha who tried to frighten the Buddha, but who, later, became his disciple (Ud.4-5). When he returned from a certain Yakkha-assembly he found the Buddha seated on his couch, as had already been told to him in the assembly by Satágira and Hemavata. In anger he tried in various ways to cast out the Buddha, but failed in his efforts and ended by becoming his disciple (UdA.63ff. For a note on this passage see J.P.T.S. 1886, 94ff).

Two explanations are given of his name: aje kalápetvá bandhanena ajakotthásena saddhim balim paticchati, no ańńathá . . . kecipana ajake viya satte lápetíti, Ajaka-lápako ti (UdA.64 ) (those bringing him sacrifices bleat like goats).

Ajakalápaka-cetiya.-A shrine at Pává at which sacrifices were offered to Ajakalápaka (Ud.4).

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