1. Anojá.-Wife of Mahákappina, while he was king, before he entered the Order. She had been his wife in former births as well and had helped him in his good works. In this age she was of equal birth with Mahákappina and became his chief consort. She was so called because her complexion was the colour of anoja-flowers.

When Kappina made his renunciation, she and her companions followed him in chariots, crossing rivers by an act of truth (saccakiriyá), saying "the Buddha could not have arisen only for the benefit of men, but for that of women as well."

When she saw the Buddha and heard him preach, she and her companions became Stream-enterers. She was ordained by Uppalavanná (AA.i. pp.176ff. ; SA.ii., pp.178ff). In the Visuddhimagga it is said that Mahákappina was present when she heard the Buddha preach, but the Buddha contrived to make him invisible. When she asked whether the king was there, the Buddha's reply was "Would you rather seek the king or the self?" "The self " was the answer (p.393. The conversation on the "self" seems to have been borrowed from Vin.i.23.


2. Anojá.-See Anujjá.

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