1. Anoma.-Birth-city of Vessabhú (see Anopama).


2. Anoma.-A mountain near Himavá. Ap.ii.345.


3. Anoma.-A pleasaunce in Khema where Tissa Buddha was born. BuA.188.


4. Anoma.-An ascetic of great power, who lived in the time of Piyadassí Buddha. He gave a jewelled chain to the Buddha and offered him a meal of fruit. In the present age he became Hemaka Thera. Ap.ii.351-4.


5. Anoma.-A king of Jambudípa, fifty kappas ago; a previous birth of Bakkula Thera. Ap.i.329. v.l. Aranemi.


6. Anoma.-A township in the time of Sumana Buddha; the residence of Anupamá, who offered the Buddha a meal of milk-rice. BuA.125.


7. Anoma.-One of the two chief disciples of Anomadassí Buddha. J.i.36; BuA.145; DhA.i.88ff. The Bu (viii.22) calls him Asoka.

He preached to Sarada-tápasa on the occasion when the latter made up his mind to become an aggasávaka himself.


8. Anoma.-The personal attendant of Sobhita Buddha. J.i.35; BuA.140; The Bu. (vii. 21) calls him Anuma.


9. Anoma.-An ájívaka who gave grass to Anomadassí for his seat. BuA.142.


10. Anoma.-The city in whose park Atthadassí preached his first sermon. Bu.xv.18.


11. Anoma.-The birth-city of Piyadassí Buddha, and capital of King Sudinna. J.i.39. According to the Bu. (xiv. 15) it was called Sudhañña.

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