1. Anurádha.-An Elder. Once when he was staying in a forest hut in the Mahávana in Vesáli, near to where the Buddha was, certain wandering ascetics came to him and asked him whether or not a Tathágata exists after death; dissatisfied with his answer they called him "fool" and went away. Thereupon Anurádha sought advice from the Buddha, who asked him "How, inasmuch as it cannot be said of a Tathágata even in this very life that he really exists, can anything be said regarding him after death?"

S.iii.116-19; the same story is repeated, with slight expansions, in S.iv.380-6.


2. Anurádha.-One of those that accompanied Vijaya to Ceylon. He later became one of his ministers and founded Anurádhagáma. Mhv.vii.43.


3. Anurádha.-A Sákiya prince, brother of Bhaddakaccána; a great uncle of Pandukabhaya. He founded a settlement at Anurádhagáma and constructed a tank, to the south of which he erected a house for himself. Later he handed this over to Pandukábhaya. Mhv.vii.43-4.

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