1. Arahatta Sutta.-Records a conversation between the Paribbájaka Jambukhádaka and Sáriputta. "What is arahantship?" "The destruction of lust, hatred and illusion." "And the path thereto?" "The Noble Eightfold Path." S.iv.252.


2. Arahatta Sutta.-Six qualities requisite for arahantship. A.iii.430.

1. Arahatta Vagga.-The eighth section of the Chakka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. It deals with the six qualities for realising arahantship and for living in complete peace. A.iii.429-34.


2. Arahatta Vagga.-The seventh chapter of the Khandha Samyutta of the Samyutta Nikáya (S.iii.73-81).

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