1. Arunavatí.-The city and the country of King Arunavá, and the birthplace of Sikhí Buddha (Bu.xxi.15). It was from there that Sikhí and Abhibhú went to the Brahma-world to preach to Brahma and his attendants (S.i.155f). At that time Salalapupphiya Thera was a confectioner in Arunavatí (Ap.i.218). See also Arunapura.


2. Arunavatí.-A vihára in the village of Itthakávatí in Magadha. Sáriputta once lived there (PvA.67).

Arunavatí Sutta.-Records the incident of the visit of Abhibhú to the Brahma-world (S.i.154f., etc.; see Abhibhú 1). Abhibhú chose as his theme action and energy, and the verses he uttered on that occasion, beginning "Árabhatha, nikkhamatha, yuñjatha buddhasásane" are often quoted.


Buddhaghosa says (SA.i.172-3) that Abhibhú chose this theme out of all the doctrines to be found in the Tipitaka because he knew that the subject would commend itself to all his hearers, human and non-human.


Milakkhatissa Thera of Ceylon, hearing a novice in Pácínapabbata recite the Arunavatí Sutta, listened to the stanzas, and feeling that they had been preached to encourage zealous monks like himself, he exerted himself and became an anágámí. Soon afterwards he became an arahant (AA.i.21-2).


The sutta is said to have been preached by the Buddha on the fullmoon day of Jetthamása (AA.i.436).

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