Son of Mutasiva, and youngest brother of Devánampiyatissa. When the two Damilas, Sena and Guttaka, conquered Súratissa and captured the throne, Asela defeated them and reigned in Anurádhapura for ten years (155-145 B.C.). (Mhv.xxi.11; Cv.lxxxii.20; Epy. Zeyl. iii., Introd., p.5, n.1). He was ultimately conquered by Elára (Mhv.xxi.13).

Asela was one of nine brothers, the others being Abhaya, Devánampiyatissa, Uttiya, Mahásíva, Mahánága, Mattábhaya, Súratissa and Kíra (MT. 425).

He built a cetiya in the Asokamálaka (MT. 358).

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