A monastery in Pátaliputta, built by Asoka and finished in three years. It was there that the king's brother Tissa was ordained. When the monks had refused for seven years to hold the uposatha ceremony, Asoka sent his minister to summon them to the Asokáráma. There the misguided minister beheaded several theras who refused to obey his orders. It was there that Moggaliputta Tissa held the Third Council and made a compilation of the Dhamma (Mhv.v.80, 163, 174, 236, 276).

Asoka used to feed 60,000 monks daily at the Asokáráma.


On the day of the foundation of the Mahá Thúpa in Anurádhapura, sixty thousand monks under Mittinna came from Asokáráma (Mhv.xxix.36). There, too, lived Dhammarakkhita, the teacher of Nágasena (Mil.16-18).

Indagutta Thera was appointed by the king to superintend the building of the vihára (Sp.i.48-9).

It was from Asokáráma that Mahinda set out on his mission to Ceylon (Sp.i.69).

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