1. Bhúta Thera. The son of a very wealthy councillor of Sáketa, his last and only child, the others having been devoured by a Yakkha. The child was, therefore, well guarded at his birth, but the Yakkha had meanwhile gone to wait on Vessavana and had not returned. The boy was called Bhúta so that non humans might protect him. He grew up in great luxury, but, like Yasa, having heard the Buddha preach at Sáketa, he entered the Order and dwelt on the banks of the Ajakaraní, where he attained arahantship. Later, when visiting his relations, he stayed in the Añjanavana. They besought him to remain there, but this he refused to do.

In the time of Siddhattha Buddha he was a brahmin and, seeing the Buddha, he sang his praises in four verses. Fourteen kappas ago he became king four times under the name of Uggata. Thag.vs.518 26; ThagA.i.493ff.

He is probably identical with Parappasádaka Thera of the Apadána. Ap.i.113f.

2. Bhúta. An officer of Parakkamabáhu I. He bore the title Bhandárapotthakí, and later came to be called Adhikári. Cv.lxxii.196; lxxiv. 72, 119, 136; lxxv. 196.

3. Bhúta. The son of a householder of Sávatthi, his mother being Tissá and his step mother Mattá. PvA.82.

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