1. Bhútapála. An example of one who possessed ñánavipphára iddhi (PS.ii.211). He was the child of a poor man of Rájagaha, and went one day with his father in a cart to the forest to collect firewood. By the time they returned to the town gate, evening had fallen. The cart was halted awhile, and the oxen, having got free from the yoke, entered the town. Telling the child to sit near the cart, the father set off after the oxen. Before he could return, the gate was shut, and the child owed his escape during the night from wild beasts and demons to his ñánavipphára-iddhi.

Although the place where he slept was near to a cemetery, no evil spirit could harm the boy as that birth was destined to be his last. He later joined the Order and became an arahant, being famed as Bhútapála Thera. PSA. 493f.; Vsm.379f.

2. Bhútapála. The Vibhanga Commentary in explaining the term kásávapajjota says that it means "resplendent with the colour of orange, completely (ekobhásiní) like the family of Bhútapálasetthi" (Bhútapálasetthikulasadisání). VibhA.342; see also Bhútaválika.

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