A mountain in Rohana on which Kákavanna-Tissa built a vihára (Mhv.xxii.23) and Vasabha ten thúpas (Mhv.xxxv.81). Dáthopatissa gave to the vihára the village of Gonnavitthi (CV.xlv.59). The mountain is described as being healthy (utusappáya) (MT.552), and sometimes there lived on it as many as twelve thousand monks (VibhA.445; Mhv.xxiv.9). Attached to the vihára was the Ninkaponnapadhánaghara (VibhA.489) and the Kotagerukapásáda - the residence of Bhágineyya Sangharakkhita (MT.552) - and also, probably, a nunnery. (See VibhA.498). The Elders Mahánága and Cúlanága lived at Cittalapabbata for three years (SA.ii.125). The Commentaries" contain several stories connected with the mountain. (E.g., VibhA.264, 498; DhsA.351, 399; AA.i.386; MA.i.18, 66, 150, 223, 351, 399). Near by (AA.i.386) was the village of Kálumbara and the bathing place of Kuruvakatittha (MA.ii.1024). It was evidently a very important monastic centre in Ceylon, and is mentioned on a par with Abhayagiri and Cetiyapabbata (DA.ii.478). Cittalapabbata is sometimes called Cittalakúta. E.g., Mhv.xxxv.81.

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