Once the Bodhisatta was born as Dhammapála, son of Mahápatápa, king of Benares and his queen, Candá. One day Candá was playing with her seven-months-old baby with whom she was so engrossed that, when the king entered the room, she omitted to rise.

This roused the king's jealousy, and he sent for the executioner and had the prince's hands and feet and head cut off and his body encircled with sword-cuts " as though with a garland." He paid no heed to Candá's lamentations, and she, in her great sorrow, fell down dead of a broken heart. Flames arose from Avíci, and wrapping Mahápatápa about, "as with a woollen garment," plunged him in the lowest hell.

The story was, told in reference to Devadatta's attempts to kill the Buddha. Devadatta was Mahápatápa and Mahá Pajápatí was Candá (J.iii.177-82). The Játaka is often cited (E.g., J.iv.11; v.113) to illustrate how anger, when once arisen, is difficult to control.

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