1. Cunda Sutta.-Cunda Kammáraputta visits the Buddha in his Mango-grove in Pává and questions him as to how many classes of recluses there are in the world. Four, answers the Buddha - maggajina, maggadesaka, maggajíví and maggadúsí - and proceeds to explain them (SN.vs.83-90; SNA.i.159ff). The circumstances in which the sutta was preached are given s.v. Cunda (1).


2. Cunda Sutta (also called Mahá Cunda Sutta).-Preached by Mahá Cunda at Sahajátí to the assembled monks. Some, who are zealous about the Dhamma, speak disparagingly of those who are given to jhána and vice versa. Sometimes it happens that those who are engaged in the Dhamma praise their fellows, and similarly with those devoted to jhána. None of these things are profitable. Dhamma-zealots should learn to praise those eager for jhána and vice versa (A.iii.355f).


3. Cunda Sutta.-Mahá Cunda tells the monks at Sahajátí how it is possible to distinguish true statements from false when made by a monk about himself and his attainments (A.v.41ff).


4. Cunda Sutta.-Cunda Samanuddesa comes to Jetavana from Nálagámaka, where he had attended Sáriputta during his last illness, and reports his death to Ananda, producing, at the same time, Sáriputta's bowl and outer robe and the water-strainer containing his relies. Ananda accompanies Cunda to the Buddha, where he breaks the news. The Buddha praises Sáriputta's attainments and takes the opportunity of emphasising the impermanence of all things. S.v.161ff

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