Cundí.-A princess. She visited the Buddha at the Kalandakanivápa in Veluvana, and he preached to her the Cundí Sutta (A.iii.35f). According to the Commentary (AA.ii.596), she was the daughter of Bimbisára. The king gave her five hundred chariots for the use of herself and her companions. She was one of the three women who received this gift from their fathers, the others being Visákhá and the princess Sumaná. Cundí's brother was Cunda. Her name occurs in a list of eminent upásikás. A.iv.347.


Cundí Sutta.-Cundí visits the Buddha and tells him that, according to her brother, Cunda, those who take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Order and refrain from the taking of life, from theft, carnal lusts, lying and liquor, will be born in a happy condition after death. She wishes to know more of this. The Buddha explains to her that the Tathágata is the best of beings, the Doctrine which leads to Nibbána is the best of teachings, the Tathágata's Order is the best field of merit, and of virtues, those beloved by Ariyans are the best. A.iii.35f.

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