1. Cúla-Kála.-The youngest of three brothers, named Kála, house-holders of Setavyá. He accompanied Mahá-Kála to Sávatthi with a caravan, and when Mahá-Kála entered the Order he joined him. Later, as they were returning to Setavyá, this time with the Buddha and the monks, he was sent on ahead to arrange seats in his former house, whither the Buddha and the monks had been invited. His two erstwhile wives mocked at him and persuaded him to return to the lay-life. DhA.i.55ff

2. Cúla-Kála.-A previous birth of Ańńá-Kondańńa. He was a house-holder of Hamsavatí, in the time of Vipassí Buddha. One day going to the rice-field, he hulled a kernel of rice, ate it and found it unusually sweet. He thereupon obtained his share of the field from his brother Mahá-Kála, and gave to the Buddha and the monks the first-fruits of a single crop, nine times, at nine different stages (DhA.i.82). He thus became the first to gain any attainment when Gotama Buddha preached his first sermon (DhA.i.8ff).

3. Cúla-Kála.-A lay disciple of the Buddha. He was once on his way back to Sávatthi, having spent the night in listening to the Doctrine, when thieves, fleeing from their pursuers, threw their stolen goods in front of him and disappeared. When he was charged with theft, some women water-carriers, who had witnessed the incident on their way to the watering place, obtained his release. DhA.iii.157.

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