1. Cúlanága Thera.-Generally referred to as Tipitaka-Cúlanága. He was evidently a very famous commentator, and his opinions are quoted in the commentaries of Buddhaghosa. (E.g., MA.i.126; SA.iii.206; DhsA.229, 267, 284; Vm.389; also FsA.405). Cúlanága was the pupil of Summa Thera of Dípavihára (AA.ii.845) and a contemporary of Tipitaka-Cúlabhaya Thera, who seems to have differed from him most violently on certain points (See VihhA.16; also DhsA.230). Cúlanága lived in the reign of Kutakanna-Tissa (16-38 A.C.), and we are told (VibhA.452) that the king held him in great respect. Once the Elder had a boil on his finger, and the king, visiting him, put the finger in his mouth to alleviate the pain. The boil burst and the king swallowed the pus therefrom. When the Elder lay dying the king carried on his head the pot containing his stools, lamenting, "The mainstay of the Dhamma is lost." The Samyutta Commentary (SA.ii.201) tells of an incident which occurred when Cúlanága was preaching in the Lohapásáda. A brahmin, listening to him, was so convinced by the sermon of the impermanence of all things, that he ran home and clasped his son to his heart, saying that he was undone. The Elder once received a bowl which it was not right for him to keep and he gave it to the Sangha (Sp.iii.699). Cúlanága does not always seem to have agreed with his teacher in his interpretations of various matters (VibhA.342). Once when it was announced to Summa that Cúlanága had explained the word thúpíkata in a certain way, he expressed great sorrow and resentment and declared that though he had seven times read the Vinaya with Cúlanága, he had never taught him such an explanation; but Cúlanága was able to uphold his contention (Sp.iv.892; for another incident see Cúla-Summa). Cúlanága once preached the Chachakka Sutta in Ambilahála Vihára, and on that occasion the audience of men extended to a distance of one gávuta and that of devas to a distance of a league. At the end of the discourse, one thousand monks became arahants (MA.ii.1025).


2. Cúlanága.-A Thera of Vasálanagara. With his brother Mahánága, he entered the Order and, for thirty years, lived in Cittalapabbata, where he attained arahantship. He refused to reveal his identity to his mother when visiting her because he did not wish to have any attachments. SA.ii.125.


3. Cúlanága.-A Thera of Ceylon. An eminent teacher of the Vinaya. Vin.v.3; Sp.i.62.


4. Cúlanága.-A monk of Pidhánagalla in the time of Dutthagámaní. Sanghadattá (q.v.) gave him a robe.


5. Cúlanága.-A monk of Asiggáhaka-parivena. One day, after having obtained alms in Candavankavíthi, he fed a starving bitch. That same evening he got large quantities of ghee and molasses which he gave to his colleagues. For thirty two years he gave alms to thousands of monks from food given to him by the people of Candavankavíthi. Later, he became an arahant. Once, 500 monks on pilgrimage to the Bodhi-tree, took him with them to avert danger. In four months they reached Kottapattana and in seven months the Bodhi-tree, being well entertained everywhere. On the way back Cúlanága was seized with a colic and died; but before death he advised his colleagues to cremate his body and take his ashes that they might be provided with their wants. Ras.ii.122f.


6. Cúlanága.-A fortress in Rájarattha (in Ceylon). Ras.ii.145.

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