An eminent Commentator of Ceylon, teacher of Tipitaka Cúlanága. The pupil seems to have disagreed with some of the explanations of his teacher - e.g., as to the meaning of ekáyanamagga. Cúlanága said it referred to pubbabhágasatipatthánamagga, but Cúlasumma held that it referred to missakamagga. They could come to no decision; but while on his way to the bathing-place, Cúlasumma revolved the problem in his mind, and discovering that his pupil was right announced his mistake when Cúlanága was preaching on the day of the first quarter. Cúlanága, realising how even his teacher could go astray on this point, explained it at great length for the benefit of future generations (DA.iii.744f.; MA.i.187). The Anguttara Commentary (AA.ii.845) calls him Dípaviháravásí, while the Vibhanga Commentary (p.489; probably Cúlasumma is here a misreading for Cúlasumana) says that he dwelt in Ninkaponnapadhánaghara in Cittalapabbata. The Samantapásádiká (iv.892) says that he lived in Rohana.

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