1. Dásaka Thera.-He was born in Sávatthi and was appointed by Anáthapindika to look after the vihára. There, being impressed by what he saw and heard, he entered the Order. Some say that he was the son of a slave-woman of Anáthapindika. The setthi was pleased with him and freed him that he might become a monk. It is said that in a previous birth he had ordered an arahant to do some work for him, hence his birth as a slave. From the time he was ordained he became slothful and fond of sleep. The Buddha admonished him, and, much agitated, he put forth effort and realised arahantship.
Ninety-one kappas ago he met the Pacceka Buddha Ajita and gave him some beautiful mangoes to eat. Later, in the time of Kassapa Buddha, he was a monk (Thag.17; ThagA.i.68ff).
Perhaps it is this same Dásaka who is mentioned in the Samyutta Nikáya (S.iii.127ff; SA.ii.230) as having been sent by the monks of Kosambí to Khemaka, carrying messages to and fro till he had walked up and down over two yojanas.
2. Dásaka Thera.-Friend of Sonaka and pupil of Upáli. He was a learned brahmin of Vesáli, and, meeting Upáli at the Válikáráma, had a discussion with him, at the end of which he entered the Order for the purpose of studying the Doctrine. He learnt the whole of the Tipitaka and became an arahant. Later he ordained Sonaka, son of the caravan-guide, and teacher of Siggava and Candavajji. After Upáli's death, Dásaka became chief of the teachers of the Vinaya. Mhv.v.104ff; Dpv.iv.28ff; v.77ff; Vin.v.2; Sp.i.32, 235; but see Dvy.3ff.