1. Devala.-An ascetic who once came from the region of Himavá in search of vinegar and honey and took refuge for the night in a potter's house. Another ascetic, Nárada (the Bodhisatta), arrived later at the hut and, with the permission of Devala, stayed there. During the night, Nárada, going out of the hut, trod on the locks of Devala who lay right across the doorway. He asked for pardon, and returning, passed by what he took to be Devala's feet, but Devala had turned round and Nárada again trod on his hair. Devala thereupon cursed him, saying that, at sunrise, his head would split in seven pieces; but Nárada stopped the sun from rising. The king enquired as to what had happened, and, on learning the story, forced Devala to ask Nárada's pardon. As he did not do this of his own free will, he was taken, at Nárada's suggestion, to a pond and made to stand up to his neck in water with a lump of clay on his head. As soon as the sun rose the lump of clay split in seven pieces and Devala swam away. Devala is identified with Thulla-Tissa. DhA.i.32ff.

2. Devala.-See Káladevala.

3. Devala.-Cousin of Padumuttara Buddha and later his aggasávaka. Padumuttara's first sermon was addressed to him and his brother Sujáta. Bu.xi.24; BuA.159; Ap.i.106.

4. Devala.-An ascetic in Himavá. He lived before the time of Padumuttara Buddha, who was yet in Tusita, but realizing in his mind the qualities of previous Buddhas, Devala built a cetiya on the bank of a river and made offerings to it in the name of the Buddha. Later, he was born in the Brahma-world. He was a previous birth of Sirimatthera (Pulinuppádaka).

ThagA.i.280; Ap.ii.426.

5. Devala.-A Pacceka Buddha. When Upáli was once born as Sunanda, the king's son, one day, when riding on an elephant, he saw Devala and insulted him. It was for this reason that he was born in a low caste in his last life. ThagA.i.368.

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